Chapter 8

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AN: I feel like this should have been broken down into 3 chapters to add more details... Anyway, I tried with this... Someday when I'm not too busy, maybe I'll edit and add more content. But right now, this is what I can offer you guys. I still hope you enjoy it and continue reading.


I am a firm believer of facing my issues head on. No problem too small.

However, as with all matters involving Ben, it seemed that I was at a lost on what I needed to do. I wanted to confront him the minute that April told me what she overheard, but I kept chickening out. Instead, I have gone into hiding. Going through extreme measures to avoid him. And usually I was good at escaping without Ben knowing except for that one time when he clearly saw me and yelled my name while I pretended that I hadn't heard and kept walking. Also, once I thought he was coming towards me, so I jumped behind a tree and lost my footing. I still have the scrapes and bruises from that. Turned out to be a complete stranger though.

I have had some thoughts as to why I was doing this. First, April's story was not definitive proof for me to chop his head off. Second, I honestly did not want to know the truth, because the truth might mean he really did have something to do with this and I would never be able to forgive him for that. Having anything to do with something that hurt my best friend is top one of my unforgivable acts. So, I resorted to jumping behind trees and keeping an eye out for a dark-haired boy with a distinct scowl on his face.

Ann was doing a lot better after a few days of her going through her breakup phases. She gave herself green highlights this time. And in my opinion added edge to her fresh ethnic beauty. She's like a mint flavored cumulous cloud. She's been hanging out a lot in our room and slept over most of the time. Surprisingly, Ann has formed a weird bond with April. Ann would say something sweet and April would reply with biting sarcasm. Hopefully, April's just joking but sometimes I wonder...

Today we were all just doing our own thing. Ann was on the bed, lying on her stomach, doing her paper. Me on my desk, trying to organize my notes. And April was in front of the mirror, applying black makeup. Andy was on his way to pick her up for their date.

Speaking of dates. I have had none. Nada. Zero. Mark was not making any moves. I think that incident in Ben's party threw him off. We've just been civil and it's like the flirting has stopped. But I still have a chance since we have a scheduled study "date" coming up soon. We have a major test for Philo next week so I'm helping him study. And I'm hoping that something sparks up again. Finger's crossed.

"Knock, knock." Andy announced as he entered our unlocked room. April spun around and accepted Andy's enthusiastic kiss while he wrapped his burly arms around her in a tight bear hug.

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