Chapter 11

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AN:  I have edited Chapters 1-10 and posting that along with this last chapter.  Nothing major that changed the plot, but just more reactions and observations and trying to make the characters sound more like themselves.  Thank you so much for sticking around until the very end.  This story really means a lot to me and has gotten my mind off stressful times in my real life.  I appreciate every single comment and kudos and they really make my day.






Ann was painting my nails red.  She was spending the night in my room; we hadn't had a lot of time to talk since I got super busy planning for the annual fair.   But she was caught up with what Ben had done to save me from losing my scholarship.  I was a little worried how she was taking this whole 'Chris is back' situation.



"How are you?" I asked her.  Ann was focused on not messing up my nail polish.



"I'm ok." She answered absentmindedly, not understanding my true question.



"I mean, how are you?" I repeat with a little more emphasis.



Ann looked up and grasped what I was really asking.  "I'll be ok, Leslie.  I mean, it's been hard.  I really loved Chris.  I was hurt and confused because I thought he loved me too.  And finding out why he broke up with me made me so mad.  At first, I thought it was closure.  But when I started to miss him, I got really angry that he didn't fight for me, for us.  So, I kind of switch between angry and hurt.  But I'm going to be fine.  I just need to get through it with the help of a lot of distractions.  And alcohol."  She laughed at the last part.



I gave her a soft smile, I wished I could help her heal faster.  Ann didn't deserve to be hurt like that. "Oh Ann, you beautiful fluffy tiger.  I know you'll be fine.  And I will always be your distraction.  God knows I need a makeover on every aspect of my life and you're basically in charge of that."



Ann finished the last of my nail and handed my hand back to me.  She looked at me seriously as she said, "Leslie, I know you said you don't want to talk about you and Ben.  But you need to tell me at least a summarized version of everything that's happened.  And I want you to start from the beginning."



She was right.  I really needed her advice on what to do with Ben.  I was keeping it from her before because I didn't want to get to the part where Ben said mean things about my best friend in the world. But now that she knows a little bit about it, it would be better if she learned why Ben did what he did.  Also, I didn't want her to hate Ben.  I know it's weird, but I wanted Ann to like Ben, to approve of Ben.



I took a deep breath and I tell her everything.  She held off from saying anything as I told my story.  She took my hands when I started getting teary-eyed as I got to the huge fight Ben and I had.  And I ended with Ben and I almost having a moment before Chris interrupted us.

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