The Wanted Maid chapter 1

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The world was now a place where humans were co-habiting with other living beings, of course not everyone was aware who they were but they knew they existed. The rich were getting richer and the poor were getting poorer.  A woman with curly hair looked outside the window while cleaning it. " What a nice day to take a walk",  she said while enjoying the scenery. Looking down at the garden she saw a young man returning from a walk. He was tall, his hair a golden brown and his eyes green as emeralds. She looked excited until interrupted by another woman. "Jeena, get ready Master Theo's friends will be coming over today so get ready to bring them some water." Jeena nodded and hurried to the kitchen to complete the task she had been given. From a young age, she had to work as her parents were busy providing more for her younger sister. Her younger sister was the apple of their eyes while Jeena was the one that was not needed in the family. She decided to run away and they never looked for her so she started working at bars as a waitress but it was not enough to live on, so once she became an adult she signed up with the Maids agency. It's a job that you get paid well and a way to get connected to rich people but the downside to it, you are essentially like a slave. Once you sign the contract you can be sold to someone else. You will be a maid until you die or a nice lord decides to give you the freedom which is essentially ending the contract without any consequences.

Jeena has been living in the Altus household since she was 18 years old. She grew and watched the young master Theo growing up too. She has the most tasks in the house and she is essentially his primary maid. Her tasks include waking him up and tying his room when is vacant but not once Theo looked at her and he never remembered her name. It would be fine if all the maids were going through the same but out of 8 maids in the household, she is the only one that gets treated differently. Theo is a playboy, whenever he wants he sleeps with the maids with Jeena being the exception. She gets laughed at a lot for being the only one who has not had any intimacy with the master. In the current society, a maid who gets the attention of the master is seen as superior to those who don't, hence why the bullying. Jeena prepared the four jugs of water and took them to the master study. 

As she entered the four men were chatting and laughing about something. Jeena did not realise carrying four jugs would have been such a hard task. As she was about to pour them onto the table she tripped on the carpet which was a bit folded. Most of the water went on the floor and some splashed the trousers of one of the men. Jeena of course was the one who got hurt, she landed her hands on the broken glass. She looked up at the man she splashed the water on by accident. His white hair covered one of his ocean-blue eyes. She still could see the shocked expression on his face.  She shook her head as it was not time to indulge in his beauty. The rest of the men including Theo were saying something but she could not hear it as her ears were ringing. Composed herself got on her knees and turned her cheek towards the man in front of her. The law allowed masters or anyone else they knew to hit a maid if she ever caused them harm or embarrassed them. The man in front of her did not look happy with this gesture, he placed his hand on her shoulder and said "Get up Jeena, I am ok and go take care of your hands." She looked up at him holding her tears, his name was Dean and he was an Elf, his hair and eyes were a prove of this. "I would not hit a pretty girl by the way, you just made a mistake ok?". Jeena's eyes sparkled as he said that, she looked at Theo who looked relieved and he just said " You can go." Jeena stood up and walked away towards her room as someone else came in to clean the mess. Sitting in her bed she looked at her hurt hands and the tears could not stop flowing down. "He said I was pretty, no one ever said that to me before", she sobbed while saying this. "Theo why can you not notice me but notice everybody else." She cried more as her hands were hurting and feeling lonely in this house. 

She got the first aid kit and looked around her room "Well tomorrow I will be sold to someone else, Theo won't have to look at my face again, so I guess it's for the best." She thought to herself while wiping the tears from her face. Back in the study room, the men continued their chat, except Dean who zoned out until Theo called him out. "Dean, are you ok? Are you still shocked?" Dean looked at him with a smile " Oh no I was just wondering if Jeena was ok." Theo smirked and sighed in relief. "Oh that maid that just fell over nothing, she should be fine. Anyways, you won't see her being clumsy anymore." Dean's smile faded from his face, "What do you mean?" Theo noticed the change in Dean's expression and spoke a bit more seriously. "Well, my father will sell her tomorrow. She originally was hired to take care of me while I was a teenager but I do not need that many maids now as an adult so I choose her to be the one sold." 

Dean's face went pale, " You will be forever cruel,  vampire boy" he said with spite in his words. Theo looked at him quite shocked " Sorry Dean but why are you suddenly being rude in my own home and over a maid." Dean stood up and got his coat. "She has a name and does not worry about it, I won't step into your house ever again. I thought for once you changed but you have not Theo, you keep playing the playboy role well." He walked away and left the room not even giving a chance for Theo to answer. 

The next day, Jeenah was walking slowly in the hallway and about to leave when she crossed paths with Theo who was just leaving his room in a robe. She looked away from his boy straight away hoping not to blush. "Oh yeah, you are going now, well good luck". Jeena nodded and thought to herself, that after these years that was all he could say to someone who was living forever. She did not say a word and left the house, entered the car and avoided looking back, holding her tears as she did not know what could happen to her. 

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