The Wanted Maid chapter 8

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Nicky POV: I looked around while I rubbed my eyes, and realised there was an awkward silent, Drake looked at me worried but didn’t stop looking around, he hold my hand tight and slightly smiled at me and started to speak:

Drake: Ok. Right. Who the hell are all of you? Introduce yourselves and how do you know my maid Nicky?

Everyone stared at each other while Drake waited for a response, but before everyone took chairs that where around the balcony and made a circle. Drake didn’t let me get a chair, instead he placed me in his lap, enclose his arms around me, making me feel warm and safe. None of the guys looked comfortable with it. Tony was the first one to speak; I already knew it, because he seemed the outgoing type.

Tony: I will start. I really just want get over with it. My name is Tony, and I am a werewolf prince, how do I know Nicky? Well let’s say she seemed lost and she was running away from something, I don’t know what, but I admit I was amused with her beauty, so I took her to the roof and we just had… a nice time… till her escape…

I could feel Drake getting tense, he looked at me and took his arm off me and waited to what it seemed a response from me.

Drake: why did you run away Nicky?

Nicky: he kissed me, I wasn’t comfortable with

Drake looked shocked, then he took a chair and put next to him and brutally he pushed me off his lap and tap his hand on the empty chair, so I sited down, and I look at him for a while, I couldn’t believe he just done that, I mean, I didn’t know he could be like that… even though he didn’t look back at me even once.

Dean POV: I couldn’t believe what I just heard, he also kissed Nicky! Well I don’t blame him, she is dam irresistible. I watched the Drake that had Nicky in his lap pushing her away from his lap when he heard this, it wasn’t a shocking act at all, after of what he just heard, I would probably do the same, but he didn’t have to be so harsh, I stared at Nicky reaction, and she seemed shocked of how he reacted, but he didn’t look at her back.

Drake: Next….

A guy next to the Tony dude, seemed to be prepared to speak, from his looks I had the feeling he was a demon, of the way he was stressed, demons are known of their bad temper, little things can piss the hell of for them…

Jake: My name is Jake and I am a demon prince. Nicky accidentally fell so I wasn’t the only one, really, around to help, so I helped her, I thought she was pretty, and I still feel that way, so I hold her hand, it felt warm, so I found out she was a human maid …. And then she just …left….

I could see anger in Nicky eyes, her hand was in a fist shape, but I could see blood dropping from her hand, I wanted to help, but this wasn’t a good time for acts of affection. Drake seemed angry but at least there was no kissing too. Drake eyes stared at me waiting for a response from me.

Dean: well my name is Dean and I am an elf prince. I know Nicky for years as long that dude next to you has. She was his maid till he stupidly he let her  go which now it seems he realised what he lost, so I come to the party but I didn’t know Nicky would be here, so she bumped at me, and realised who I was, then I kissed her, and she run of.

I could see Drake getting more angrier than he was, I looked at Nicky and she was looking down, no one was speaking to her, I wanted to cheer her up, so I decided to speak with her, for her to know I will be always here…

Dean: hey Nicky… I am sorry… princess

I smiled at her, and she looked at me in surprise, and she smiled a little and blushed but looks back down again, but she seemed better than she was before…

Brian POV: that betrayed, how he dares to talk about me, I could do myself, and now because of him all of them probably think I am a jerk with no heart. Drake looked at me up and down and then spoke:

Drake: so you are the so called Brian, a vampire prince, you were the one that sold Nicky?

Brian: wasn’t me. My father did it.

Drake: but you could object to it. I seriously don’t know how you let a beauty like this get away

Brian: you don’t have the right to talk about it, look how you just treated her, when you found out Tony kissed her

I could see the shock now in his eyes, he didn’t realise, how Nicky felt about his pushing away, he didn’t know her more than me, and now he was trying to give me a speech?

Drake: shut up, you don’t know how I feel for her ok?

Brian: so? You didn’t have to push her around; it seems you think she let him do it

Drake: what else it happened?!

Tony POV: This was starting to be a fight, I kind of agreed with Brian, he shouldn’t treat Nicky that way, because in the end of the day she didn’t see that kissing coming, so it wasn’t her fault, and i was getting tired of the argument so I spoke:

Tony: stop fighting!

Both of them stopped and looked pissed off at each other, there was a long period of silence but I broke the ice again:

Tony: ok you are her master, but we need to get to the point… I sure … all of us want something from Nicky

I could see it cached everyone attention, Nicky looked up confused, but all the guys knew it what I meant, because all of us where in love with Nicky in a form of way, and I don’t think, none of us wanted to live the party and go home, and never ever see Nicky again, it wasn’t so simple as that, personally I wasn’t going to let go of my feels for her….

Dean POV: Tony was right, all of us wanted Nicky. She can’t be with all of us, because one: she is not a mistress, two: we are not maids, three: she is a human. The fact she was a human, it didn’t really stopped her to be with one of us, but it would be hard for her to live like each of us. She could turn into a vampire or wolf, but into an elf she couldn’t and she was too pure to be a demon…

Jake POV: I just realised from Tony, that we had to get to a point, all of them wanted Nicky, including me, but we all couldn’t have her, only one of us, and if was her choice, I would lost this game, because of what I done, I shouldn’t treat her that way, is just I don’t really trust humans, but with her is different, I am in love with her …

Brian POV: I wasn’t liking where this was going, I was hoping Nicky would go back home with me, but now I doubt that will be so simple as I thought it would be, I love her…

Drake: I wasn’t happy at all; my maid was being wanted by other 4 men’s! Now all of them want something from her, she can’t date all of us for sure, also we can be dangerous for her, but one thing I was sure, I wasn’t giving up my mate, no way….

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