the camera

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this is a long story


My wife, daughter and I moved into a nice home an old couple was renting back in 2015. The elderly couple where very nice and asked for a reasonable amount for rent in a nice neighborhood allowing us to walk in and look around, after seeing how beautiful it was we accepted their offer. They informed us the house came equipped with a security system just in case of emergency and they will cover the fees. Once we moved in and settled down we where all delighted to be there. Months went by without any incident besides a couple of false alarms from the security system, we loved it there. One night in particular I could remember late at night when my daughter woke up crying running to our bed. She said she saw the shadow of someone outside. Right after she told us the security system sounded off. Getting up and checking my phone there was a trouble on a window sensor in my daughters room, running over and turning on the light, nothing was there. I checked the window and it was securely closed when I received a phone call from the security company to check on us and we told them we where fine and they shut off the alarm. I calmed my daughter down and told her she can sleep with us that night and she gladly did so. Two days later when we went out for dinner I heard my phone ringing and upon checking, it was the security system again telling me the living room motion triggered there might be someone in the house after hearing that I told them to dispatch the police and I will check the interior cameras on my phone to see. Checking the camera I saw something that would send a cold chill down my spine. I would see a dark shadow walking slowly behind the couch and disappear out of the cameras view. Freaking out at this point I calmly told my wife we have to go. Returning home police surrounded the area and asked us for the keys to the home so they can check inside for intruders. After 30 minutes they came back out telling us no one was inside and nothing was out of place. My wife feeling uneasy and unsure about staying in the house, I pull her aside and told her what I saw on the camera. Giving me a funny look she didn't believe me and thought an intruder somehow managed to break in without setting any window or door sensors off. I called the security company scheduled an appointment to have everything checked and as I suspected everything was working properly. A couple more days would go by without anything unusual until again at night my daughter started screaming for us. Jumping up and running over jiggling the door knob that was locked, she kept screaming saying "He is going to get me" panicking I kicked the door in. Opening it and turning on the lights I saw my daughter crouched on the corner of her room with her covers and pillows on her. I checked around with my gun drawn, no one was in there besides my daughter. Putting my gun away and picking my daughter up who was sobbing uncontrollably and she said she saw her stuffed bear moving to which she fully woke up then she saw a shadow standing on the far back corner of the room walking slowly to her to which she began screaming. Calming her down and walking her back to the master bedroom my phone began to ring, answering a representative informed us a motion downstairs in the living room picked up activity and if any of us where down there to which we ran in our room and locked the door telling the lady no we are all up here demanding she dispatched police immediately. Checking the camera while all of us looking on my phone we couldn't see anything once I placed it in night vision mode we could see a silhouette of a man moving slowly back and forth suddenly disappearing out of the cameras view. My wife and daughter scared to death at this point told them I was going to go check it out. My wife refused me stepping out and going downstairs I told her I will be fine while loading my gun, suddenly the door started shaking violently. Pointing my gun, telling my daughter and wife to cover their ears, I fired off 2 shots. The door stopped shaking and heard police sirens outside, giving my gun to my wife and instructing her once I stepped out to immediately close the door behind me locking it so I could let the police in downstairs. Doing so looking around running down stairs and letting the police in they began searching around, they heard the shots as well fearing the worst and led them up to where my family was. After explaining multiple times what happened and what we saw the police didn't believe us. Since we didn't have saved footage of what we saw and having to go through getting court documents and paying a lot of fees so the security company could release the footage which could take weeks, we just decided to move out the next day not wanting to stay in the home any longer. Packing up and explaining to the elderly couple what had happen and what we have seen they didn't seem surprised at all, letting them know I will pay for any damages I caused the night prior but they didn't accept any money. Telling them we where sorry many times they understood and accepted the keys back from us. When the U-Haul truck was loaded the old man said to which I can remember clearly "This is the 3rd time this happens to us this year, I wonder what is so bad about this house". After thanking him one last time and shaking his hand I got in the truck, driving off never looking back.

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