i thought i was about to die

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this story is 100% true and happened probably almost two years ago. I was 15 at the time, and everyone in my house was gone for the night. my mom and stepdad had gone out, and my brothers were all at friends houses. I was pretty used to being home alone, I'm pretty fearless when it comes to scary things happening, but this night scarred me.

the sun had set, it was probably around 10 pm when I started hearing weird bangs coming from outside the house. I ignored it for about 20 minutes until it continuously got louder and more consistent. I finally paused the tv, and just sat there listening. it was coming from all over the outside of the house. literally every side.

we have a security system that talks whenever one of our doors opens. for example, when our back door opens, it goes "back door, open", so we always know when someone's entering the house (we've had some previous experiences with break-ins).

anyways, I'm sitting there, terrified. I started texting one of my older brothers about the noises, but he told me that it was probably just a few drunks from the bar down the street. eventually, I got so worked up, I called him. as we were on the phone, our alarm started talking. "back door, open". my heart immediately dropped into my stomach, and my brother had heard it through the phone.

I started sobbing and he yelled at me to go into his room, and grab the knife from under his bed and stay in his corner. he was already in his friend's car and they were on their way. I was shaking so bad I could hardly hold on to the knife.

it took them less than 10 minutes to arrive, and they immediately checked all over with knives and baseball bats in their hands. they found nothing and when we reviewed our security camera footage, there was nothing. we still have no idea what the banging was or how the back door opened, but soon after, we purchased a dog. I'm still superstitious about being left home alone.

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