demon 579

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Ok I don't know where to start so I'll give you the short version so I was walking through my local park and found some dirt like it had been recently dug up some being the curious George I am I dug. I found a box with Bible quotes on its and one sticky note saying don't open if you want to live in peace so I opened it up (because I'm an idiot) and inside was a USB I was confused so I took it home and after a week of trying to find if it's a virus or not I built up the courage to plunge it in and was horrified on it were what looked like drawings but these drawings made me feel sick and I instantly Took the USB out and put it in my attic but now I hear footsteps every night in the same room which is locked btw I don't know what to do I'm really scared and I'm having the same nightmare about the same THING I'm getting really paranoid please can someone tell me what demon 579 is.

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