the stalker

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It all started when I made a new friend. We will say her name is Jennifer. Jennifer and I became best friends, although, it was kinda weird because she was the really popular, pretty girl in school and I was the known as the lonely, creepy, outcast of the school. Anyways, we would spend all of our time together at school, and to be honest, I started developing feelings for her. We would skip class together and find any excuse to meet up during school, but for some reason, she was always too busy after school and on weekends. I thought she liked me too, until she started dating the biggest, most muscular jock I've ever seen, ever. Like I'm talking his arms were the size of sculpted milk jugs.

Now I know what you might be thinking. Is the writer of this going to stalk this girl? And the answer is no.

After remaining friends for a few months longer, she told me I was too depressing to be around and told me to kill myself. But that's another story that I will tell another day. It ties into the stalker story because the stalker showed up after she told me that.

I very vividly remember the first night it happened. Those eyeballs looking through the living room window at 3AM while I'm playing on my PC. (Hearthstone if y'all were wondering what I was playing) I turn my head, and I see these two eyes in the window. I remember thinking "is that just my reflection?" And then I got up and walked closer. Mind you, I'm in my boxers, at 3AM, home alone. So I get closer and the eyes blinked. They blinked and as I got right up to the window, the flash of a camera went off and the eyes were gone.

Fast forward about 2 weeks after that faithful night I had to change my boxers, I'm in class. Now in my class, Jennifer "from earlier in the story" is sitting behind me. Her huge protein-packed boyfriend is sitting next to her. I can hear them whispering behind me.

HER: " I kinda feel bad for him. I understand why you told me to tell him to leave me alone, but he looks so miserable"

HIM: "It's ok, I feel bad too now, but, he was bringing you down, and you're happier now. I'm sure he will be ok."

HER: "Yeah, I hope so. But he should have a new friend soon, as long as the new girl in the back of the class keeps staring at him"

Now don't get me wrong, Jennifer and her boyfriend weren't bad people. They may seem like it, but in all honesty, I was in a rough place, so I'm sorta glad she ended up getting happier with someone she truly loved.

It was the new girl comment that got to me. New girl? What new girl? I don't see any..... Wait, why does she look familiar. And for some crazy reason, it didn't click in my brain. I didn't make the connection, yet.

Fast forward a month.

I've started noticing someone drawing my name inside hearts on desks and tables and even on my locker at school. I didn't know whether to feel weirded out or to feel good, knowing someone actually thought that I was worth liking. Now I needed to know who it was. That weekend, I went to a friend's house. It's about midnight on a Saturday, and me and my friend saved up enough money for a pack of cigarettes. It was a pack of Newports. And it was too cold outside to smoke so we went into the bathroom, turned on the fan, and started to smoke. About halfway through my cig, I could have sworn I heard someone giggling quietly. My first thought was "How the hell is he laughing and smoking like, at the same time?". And then he points it out, he says "Why do you keep giggling?" I told him probably about a hundred times it wasn't me.

We then heard a crash in the living room, we both rushed out. There was nobody there, but the back door was wide open. We look at each other, and then I run, shut and lock the back door, and then we barricade ourselves in his room.

2 days later, I get a text from an unknown number. It's a picture. A PICTURE OF A GIRL WITH HER FACE SCRIBBLED OUT, STANDING IN MY FRIENDS LIVING ROOM, 2 DAYS BEFORE.

Now I was scared. I didn't know what or why this was happening to me. I showed my friend the picture and he says " I know her." I went wide-eyed and ask who it was. He replies " Isn't that the girl who came to our school not too long ago? I can tell by that jacket."

I told him that there's no way of knowing that based of a jacket, but then, he starts laughing. I asked what's so funny, and he says " Remember that girl I used to date back in middle school, that you met one time because she was from another school? That's her." He just keeps laughing and laughing. At this point I'm just dumbfounded. Not at the fact that it's his ex, but, that she found out where I live and took pictures of me.

The next day, Tuesday at school, I confront her. I ask her why she was stalking me and she just looks at me, clearly having NO CLUE what I'm talking about. She claims she doesn't even know me. The stalker wasn't her. At this point, I didn't know what to do. I started staying in my room more (which has no windows) and locking the door.

Nothing happened for a while, I thought I was free. But, that's when I found it. A note... In my room... Saying "why do you try and hide from me. I just want you to love me as much as I love you. Just accept me. Meet me on the football field at 9PM on Sunday". I did what any curiously terrified person would do. I didn't call the police. I went to the football field.

Turns out the stalker, whom of which was a girl, was one of Jennifer's ex-best friends who knew me from conversations she had with Jennifer. I guess she thought me and her were "the same" and that the girl we trusted "betrayed us both, so we were destined to be together". At this point, I didn't know what to do. I didn't freak out, I just stood there, and she hugged me and told me she knows my pain, the depression, the hate from others. She told me it's ok. And then she ran off. I just stood there not knowing what to say or do, and I never saw her again, never got any more notes or pictures or anything.

The scariest part, when I asked Jennifer about her... Apparently, Jennifer's so-called "ex-best friend" didn't exist. Jennifer didn't know the girl. And neither did I.

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