i am hearing things

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About two years ago I started to get extremely vivid dreams I would remember all of them. Feel them kind of. They got even more frequent to all the time every night but something changed. They started becoming really disturbing like me murdering people I care about, me being mutilated, and in most I am having a literal mental break down sometimes I wake up just disturbed and crying. About 4 months ago I heard whispering, knocking, footsteps but they sounded sooo distant like someone was far away banging on a door like they were trying to get in or walking downstairs but it sounded so distant like when you go in a room during a party and the music sounds muffled and distant. And one night I heard the knocking the whispering etc and then I heard someone say my name but it was close and it was my grandmother who passed away years ago immediately i had a major panic attack and the more I panicked the louder and louder it got like angry. I feel like I'm literally slipping away from my own reality please help me

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