Bubble Tea

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I wore the white dress and heels around Myeongdeong. This is the first time I felt like a proper girl. I always wore pants and shorts but never insisted to wear skirts. I also wear plain shirts instead of blouses cause I dress up comfortably. But as of this day, Im kinda enjoying my girly self that I never knew. 

"Oooooh~ want some bubble tea, Yujeong?" Appa asked.

"Ne :) I feel really tired from walking around too long.. especially in these heels." I complained.

"Oh come on, even I can run in those heels. They aren't even that high." He laughed.

I gave Appa a weird stare cause he gave me an advice as if he is experienced in wearing heels. Lol :) crazy Appa~

"What flavor do you want?" He looked at the menu.

"I would like the mint flavored one juseyooo~" I told him before looking for a place to sit.

I was about to take a sit on a chair I found available until a person grabbed it. 

"Im sorry but I sit here, Miss." A cute guy told me.

He has blonde hair and he is tall. He has a cute face and a mischivous look in his eyes. 

"No fair. I saw the seat first." I protested.

"You saw it first, but I grabbed it first. Makes sense now?" He looked at me as if I was a dumb girl.

"I ain't fighting for a useless chair. I can just stay outside.. away from you." I told him as I left him behind.


He held on my wrist which caused me to fall in his arms.

"Ooooh~ What is this I see~?" Appa approached both of us holding a bubble tea in each hand.

"Appa let's go outside. This gentleman stole the seat I saw. Let's get away from him." I coldly said.

"Im sorry, alright? I was just teasing sheesh." The cute guy told me.


Appa realized and froze due to shock.

"Sehun? Who's Sehun?"

I asked Appa.

"KYAAAAA~ OPPAAAAAA~" some fangirls from outside the shop started squealing.

"Sh*t I need to go. Annyeong~" He said before rushing out the store and get into a black van.

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