Nerd is Me

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Have I ever mentioned about school? 

Well well well.

I still haven't huh?

Well, speaking of school.. It already started :) I just did so well at school that nothing much bothered me about about it. 

Im a certified nerd. I know. But Im kinda proud of being a nerd ke ke ke.

But now, we are on school break yay~

"GUYS GATHER UP AT THE LIVING ROOM IN TEN SECONDS!! THE ONE ARRIVES LAST WILL WASH THE DISHES!!" Eunkwang Oppa shouted and in a flash, everybody rushed to the living room.

"Aish.. Ilhoon Hyung pushed me! No fair." Sungjae Oppa said while glaring at Ilhoon Oppa.

"Don't be such a girl and wash the dishes like a man." Ilhoon Oppa smirked at Sungjae Oppa.

"Don't fight!" Eunkwang Oppa said.

"I'll help you with the dishes, Sungjae." Peniel Oppa told him.

"Why did you call us by the way?" Minhyuk Oppa said while getting the watermelon from the refrigerator.

"We are gonna.." Eunkwang Oppa started.

"Gonna what? Finish the sentence, hyung~" Hyunsik Oppa said impatiently.

"WE ARE GOING TO JEJU ISLAND!!" Eunkwang Oppa stated.




Cheers were heard throughout the living room.

"Start packing cause we are gonna go there tomorrow night." He instructed.

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