Chapter 3

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When the end of the arrives, Sabine and I walk to the middle school to wait for Pops when the middle school is finished for the day. What a damn long day today has been and all I want to do is crawl into bed and sleep until tomorrow morning but unfortunetly I can't.

"Are you alright, Salem?" Sabine asks as we finally reach the outside entrance to the middle school where we wait against the wall for Serena before Pops retrieves us before we make our way to the elemantry school to pick up Sammie.

Sighing as I lean against the wall, rolling my head to face her; "Yeah, just a rough day. Nothing to worry about. How was your day?"

"Fine but we are not changing the subject," Sabine states crossing her arms over her chest; her signature move with me when she's determined and I'm being stubborn.

Groaning knowing damn well that if I don't answer her, she'll just hound me until I answer her question. "Just reminded today that I'm a serious fuck up, who caused mum to leave."

Sabine stares at me as if I've lost my damn mind, perhaps I have but I don't feel like I have; I am the reason mum left.

"Have you lost your freaking mind, Salem?" she demands, standing straight up as she turns to face me completly.

Shrugging at her, noticingn that Serena comes out of the school with a bunch of other students; a few who are her friends.

Saved by the little sister; Sabine won't discuss mum when Serena or Sammie are around. Smiling at Serena as she makes her way to us with her two best friends and her boyfriend; Joni, Janell and Jacob. Jacob is the boyfriend, whom I am not a fan of but it is probably just because I am her big brother and I won't like anyone who dates her.

"Hey Serena and friends," I greet refusing to acknowledge Jacob as her boyfriend. Serena rolls her eyes at me;

"Hey Say and Sabine." Joni, Janell and Jacob greet us as well and Jacob has a weiry look on his face.

There is a honk from a truck causing all of us to turn around and I'm relieved to find Pops pulling up beside us. Smirking at Pops as he stops the truck allowing us to climb inside the cab.

Opening the back door (the truck is an extended cab) for Sabine and Serena to climb in the back of the cab so I can sit in the front with Pops. When we pick up Sammie, since I'm the one that enters the building to pick him up from his classroom, he sits up front with Pops and I.

Serena says goodbye to her friends and boyfriend before climbing in after Sabine.

"Pops do you think daddy will allow Jacob to come over for dinner tomorrow night?" she asks as she buckles her seat belt.

Pops shrugs as he shoots me a look when I roll my eyes at her question.

"Not sure Peanut," Pops tells her as he drives off toward the elementry school.

Pops has a nickname for each of us kids; Serena is 'Peanut', Sabine is 'Pumpkin', Sammie is 'Rooster' and I'm 'Monkey'. Serena loves peanuts, sabine loves pumpkins, Sammie loves to chase the roosters and I love monkey's.

Serena sighs dramaticlly at his answer, probably hoping that Pops will ask daddy instead of making her ask. Pops parks at the elementary and I climb out of the truck and inside to retrieve Sammie.

I'm close with all of my siblings but I feel as if I am closer to Sammie than my sisters; perhaps its becuase he was only 4 years old when mum left when he really needed her, hell we all did but he and I have a special bond.

I love my sisters dearly but I'm closer with Sammie, perhaps its due to sharing a room with him and our sisters share a room. Our house only has four bedrooms, so even though I know all of us would love our own rooms, that won't happen until I move out to college.

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