Chapter 4

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"Stephan?" she asks with her jaw practiclly scrapping the floor as she stares wide eyed at the three of us.

"I can't deal with this shit right now," I mutter completly pissed as I stand with my back to her to leave; that she's been twentyish minutes from us and never bothered to try and contact daddy or my siblings.

"Salem James, language!" Shannon scolds me instantly.

Quickly turning back around dispit the searing pain coursing through my entire body, I glare at her; "No, you don't have the right to tell me what I can't do or do in my life. You gave up that right the day you left and never returned!"

My control over my temper is wearing thin and I know but right now it's either I yell or I cry hystericlly.

Turning my attention to daddy, I manage to grit out through my anger and pain; "Daddy, I don't, no I can't be around her despite the pain."

Daddy nods as he turns his attention back to her; "Shannon, we need a differnt nurse and for you to leave us alone."

"Are you our mum?" Sammie's little sad voice inturputs anything that Shannon could have said.

The three of us snap our heads toward him; mine and daddy's with sad eyes and Shannon's was fearful.

"Sammie, she isn't worth your time; she left us."

"You are our mum," his words were not asking now but stating that he knew the answer from my comment. Sammie's eyes and face become angry (which isn't a normal emotion for him) as he faces Shannon again.

He steps forward toward her and her face and body tenses at his apporach. Daddy and I watch in wonder as to what he's doing; he answers our question when he pulls his arm back and punches her in the stomach while screaming at her.

"You left us for what reason? Were we not good enough for you to love us like we loved you?"

At the end of his rant, he's sobbing harshly. Sammie turns to daddy and I, launching himself into my body and I really don't care that it hurt like hell; for my little brother I will endure any sort of pain if he feels better after some time.

Swallowing rapidly past the sudden and horrifing pain that is coursing through my body in order to wrap my left arm around my brother's trembling body as he sobs hystericlly.

"Sammie, I didn't leave because I didn't love the four of you. The four of you are the greatest gifts I could have ever recieved and had the privelage of being your mum."

Sammie ignores her as do I since I'm doing everything in my power to stay on my feet and not pass out and comfort my brother.

"I left because I was depressed and I had to walk away before I did something stupid to the four of you. I've finally gotten myself correct with therapy and medication and then I realized that by this time, I knew I couldn't come back because it had taken me too long to right myself to reedem myself with the four of you."

"Okay, this is enough," daddy interupts her before she can continue. "Salem needs to been seen before more damnage is done or he passes out."

Sammie instantly drops his arms from around my waist, taking a step back to quickly wipe the tears from his face with his shirt sleeves. Daddy catches the attention of a male nurse as he walks by asking for him to attend to his son instead of Shannon.

The male nurse looks between all of us before he nods and motions for us to follow him to a room.

An hour and a half later, the three of us are leaving the hospital to head home with me on awesome pain medication, my arm in a sling after x-rays were done and the doctor placed my dislocated shoulder back into place.

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