Chapter 6

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Six months later -

Brody and I have become great friends boarderlining on ready to date, well I believe that is where we are but I believe Brody isn't.

Every time I bring the topic of dating to him, he changes the subject instantly. I've finally given up on discussing this with him about three weeks ago when we had gone out mini golfing with Jace, Jamie, Sarah, all three of my siblings and his three siblings.

Over the last week and a half I've been distancing myself from him some because I feel like I am bothering him with always wanting to be around him; so I've tried not spending time with him outside of school unless it is dropping Sammie off or picking him up from their home or taking Brittany home.

Even in school I have been making sure that I am not around him more than I have to be if we are working on a project in school. Everyone but Brody have been questioning me on my demenor lately and I just brush them off by telling them that it is nothing.

The last few days I've been avoiding Brody at all cost and he doesn't seem to notice but everyone else does that has been around us prior.

"Salem, what's going on between you and Brody?" Jamie asks me as we walk to the parking lot after school as I'm riding with him and Jace today to their house.

Sabine is being picked up at the school by Pops and then they're picking Serena and Sammie up. Shrugging my shoulders at him without answering, I don't want to talk about him. Rolling my right shoulder since it is sore from when I dislocated it.

Daddy told me I didn't have to help at home after school today since Jace and Jamie and I have a project to work on.

"Come on man, you seemed happy around him before and now you are avoiding him and he hasn't taken notice."

Sighing as we climb into his car while waiting for Jamie to arrive. "I don't know, I had tried talking to him about moving our relationship to the next level but he would change the subject so I stopped asking and now I'm avoiding him at all cost to see how long he realizes and it's been four days."

Making eye contact with him now; "I give up man, I really thought after he made that statement in front of everyone he would want to dicuss this and move on but I guess not.

I'm done trying and I know that I truly am damaged that even though he said that along with wanting to protect and make me feel safe, it was just words. He doesn't want the screwed up loser, whose own mother didn't want him."

'Along with the fact that I spilled to him that I am able to become pregnant he really must not want me along with thinking I'm a freak,' I think to myself not wanting to divalge this information to my friend.

Jamie sighs at me as he grips the stearing wheel for a moment before speaking; "Salem, you're not a loser or damaged that no one wants you. If he's to damn stupid to discuss this with you let alone want to be in a relationship with you than that's his problem not yours."

"If you say so but if it isn't me than what could his problem possibly be?" I muble trying to hold back the tears that threaten to fall. Before Jamie can even answer, walking out of the school is Brody and Candience walking together hand in hand right in front of a pissed of Jace and Sarah.

"Yup, I'm done trying," I whisper as we watch the two of them stop in front of Brody's car and snog.

Before Jamie and I can react, Jace is beside the two of them, pulling back his right arm and punchs Brody in the jaw, sending him sprawling on his back on the cement.

Jumping out of the care with Jamie, we rush to them and the small crowd that has gathered. I grab Jace from behind as he steps forward to punch Brody again.

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