Chapter 2

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Lunch finally rolls around and even though today is the first day of school, I'm ready for this day and school year to be over with already. I'm over high school on every level; I just want to start my new chapter at college or university and in a new town for a few years.

Hopefully and I seriously thinking that I am doing some wishful thinking here but I want to find somewhere that my sexuality is better accepted than this damn small town.

Shutting my locker door after depositing my books, I grab my lunch than Gran packed and head toward the cafe' to meet Jamie, Sarah and Jace and perhaps invite Brody to sit with us if he hasn't found a group of friends to sit with already. Arriving at the cafe', quickly finding my three friends, also spotting Sabine already sitting at a round table with her friends.

Smiling with a small wave to her and her two best friends, Cara and Kayleigh as I make my way over to the round table where my friends are already sitting at and starting to eat. Plopping down next to Jace with a smile at the three of them as I open my insulated gray and black bag to take out my lunch.

"Salem, what did your Gran pack today?" Sarah asks as she watchs as I pull out a peanut butter and bannana sandwich, baby carrots with Gran's homemade dip, strawberries and a vitiamn water.

"Man, you and your siblings are lucky your Gran makes your lunches," Jamie says as we eat.

Raising an eyebrow at him as I realize that he and Jace are eating the school's lunch (yuck) and Sarah has a homemade lunch that is just a sandwich and a juice box.

"Yeah, we certianly are," I agree not wanting to tell him I wish instead of Gran making our lunches I wish mum was the one doing this.

I've been slightly jealous of my friends due to the fact that all three of them live with their mum's (Jace and Jamie live with their mum and step-dad and Sarah lives with her mum but sees her dad regularly).

Before anyone one of us can say anything else, a booming voice asks from my left; "Mind if I sit here?"

The four of us snap our attention toward the voice to find it belongs to none of then sexy Brody Brown, he is what wet dreams are made of.

Snapping myself out of my naughty horny thoughts, I nod as Brody pulls a chair out and sitting down with a smile as he places his tray on the table in front of him with smirk that crinkles the skin at the corners of his eyes.

"Thanks," he says as he starts to eat the disgusting looking spaghetti.

Grabbing my sandwich to take a bite when I realize that Brody is starring at me as he chews slowly. Swallowing my food with a qirked eyebrow at him, causing himto smirk even broader at me.

"What, do I have something on my face besides what's supposed to be there?" I ask wiping at my face for crumbs or peanut butter.

"Nope, just trying to decide if you have a tongue ring or not."

Dropping my hand back to my lap as I sit my sandwich back in the container to stick my tongue out and show him that I do indeed have a tongue ring with a bright blue and white marbled ball and silver post.

Smirking at him as I pull my tongue back inside my mouth as I take a drink of water watching his facial reaction; his face goes from neutral to lust filled eyes.

Smirking at his reaction but confused internally why me having a tongue ring would cause him to be lustful.

"So, plans for after school?" Sarah asks all of us as she resumes eating. Jamie and Jace answer with football practice then she turns her attention to Brody and I.

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