I'm going to post a lot of thing in this book and when I'm talking about a lot means...A LOT!
Found it on:
Disclaimer: I'm not trying to steal no ones work or anything.
I'm just posting stuff that have helped me in my daily life and...
This is something that a lot of people suffer from, just like Anorexia and Bulimia, this is an eating disorder.
Many people don't pay attention to it just because the thing about Binge Eating is consuming unusually large amounts of food in one sitting and feeling that eating behavior is out of control.
People that suffer from this tend to gain lot's of weight since you are consuming more than your body needs.
This can affect you mentally this can cause depression, your self-esteem, so people start having suicidal thoughts.
There are methods that can be used to stop the necessity to eat this way and start eating healthier and in a quantity that is not excessive but also you don't starve yourself, just enough in a way that makes you feel satisfied when you eat.
Me personally I suffer from binge eating it started 4 years ago (maybe I'm not so sure), I'm not super overweight but my weight is not healthy there were moments where I could control myself but I would stress out and fall right back into the habit recently I discovered an article and YouTube video that seem realistic about what is binge eating.
I wanted to share this because I know that in today's society we only care about the way we should look because of stereotypes. I get it binge eating makes you feel like trash but starving yourself is not the answer I will put the link for the article and the youtube maybe this can help you as I know is going to help me.
I hope this helps.
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