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Yn struggled to go to sleep that night, the feeling of the kiss lingered on her head and she was confused by what it meant, however she didn't dwell on it too much. All she did know was that it made her heart flutter like crazy.

She got up and dressed and thought back to last night. Did Mr Jung really not see anything? What time did he come in? Did he see me sleeping in his arms? Oh god did he hear us kissing?

Mortified about thoughts of last night she decided she'd have to ask Mr Min about what happened. It would bother her until she had answers to her questions. While she was getting ready to face a day of school Yn suddenly remembered the information she'd learned yesterday. Her bully was pregnant. Her mind ticked for a way to use this against her but the trouble is, Yn was so quiet and polite she didn't know if she had it in her to blackmail someone, especially someone who she was terrified of. Maybe just for now she'd take pleasure in the fact she was one of the only people who knew.

He had adjusted the time he walked across the grounds today and he'd timed it prefect. He got to the dorms just a few seconds after Yn left, and walked a little ways behind her as she made her way to home room before classes started. He didn't need to go through the practical block to get to his room but he went that way anyway because that's the way Yn has gone.

Just as she was about to turn a corner a student tugged his white doctors coat.
"Ah sir! G'morning!" He had a lot of waves and greetings in the morning, being the young handsome doctor he was popular with the students.
"Mornin'" he replied hoping that was the end of it so he could carry on but that would be too easy. Of course that wasn't the end of the conversation.

Yn walked the last hallway and abruptly had her bag wrenched off her shoulder, she turned around to see one of many girls who bullied her stood there, rummaging through her bag to see what she could find.
"Hey twerp? This the physics homework?" She growled and Yn gave a weak nod, that had taken her hours to write up and draw her diagrams, she really didn't want it taken but she could just kiss it goodbye right now, as it left her bag and went into the girls pocket. Her bag was unceremoniously dumped back into her grip as she was pushed against the wall by the girls body, flush against her own as she gripped into her hair making her eyes water.

"Ya'know my room is a few doors down from yours and I have plenty of coursework that needs completing, I think you-" But much to Yn's relief she was cut short and her attitude changed as the bullies hand let go of her hair and stroked her face placing a gentle kiss on the corner of her lips.
"-are such a pretty little thing." She finished off confusing Yn beyond belief. She didn't enjoy the kiss at all, she smelled like cigarettes and strong perfume trying to cover the smell and it burned her nose. There was only one kiss she truly wanted and as if by magic that man appeared.

He watched the bullies actions change as her eyes met with his, she went from tugging on Yn's hair to stroking her face and pretending she was kissing her telling her sweet things. He wasn't fooled. He knew exactly what was going on, this wasn't Yn's main bully but a bully was a bully and it took everything in him not to shove her away from his kitten.

"Girls? We'll have less of that in the hallway, save it for your rooms. Yn come with me please." He stated clearly as he walked past the group and he could hear Yn quickly trotting behind him all the way to his room. As soon as he entered he walked to his desk and picked up his office phone.
"Hey, its Mr Min I've got Yn...No she's not absent she's in the medical room...Yeah okay....Bye."

As soon as he got off the phone he perched on the edge of his desk and rested his chin on his hand that was propped onto of his crossed arm as he thought over what to say to the pretty girl who stood lost and confused in front of him. He wasn't sure what words to give her as he watched her subconsciously repeatedly rub at the spot the girl had kissed her. Like she was trying to wipe it away.

He stayed leaning against his desk as he reached forwards and pulled Yn into his arms and rested his cheek on top of her head as she buried her face into his chest and tried her hardest not to cry. He let her go and placed a large hand either side of her neck and jaw and gently tipped her head up to look at him.
"Hey Yn?" He gently called when she refused to lift her eyes from the floor but when she did he smiled a little.
"When I saw her lips connect with yours it made me feel sick. You didn't like it either because you've done nothing but bother that spot since it happened. Can I make it better?" He whispered as his thumb gently stroked the corner of her mouth where the bully had kissed and as soon as she nodded he placed gentle kisses exactly where the bully had until she let out a giggle and the door knocked.

He smiled back at her ruffling her hair as he stood up and went to answer the door.
"Good girl. Head back to classes now okay? You can come back later if you need too." He said opening the door to let her out and a girl with a blood nose in.

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