Before You Read

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Hey guys, welcome to the SIXTH and FINAL installment of my Katherine/Steve Rogers series. It is also the TWELFTH book of my overall MCU series. If you have read the other stories following my guide in 'Road to Endgame' then you should know that Katherine and Steve will still be involved in my MCU series since they have children, but after this book, they won't be the main focus anymore. It's been fun, it's been emotional as hell and this one is going to be the most emotional one of all. Thanks for making it all the way here, and thank you for loving it. Although, if you are coming across this book for the first time, just put it in your library for later, and follow these steps.

1. Go to my page and find the story 'Femme Fatale' that's the first book that starts it all. At the end of that book, it'll lead you to the next one.

2. The second story is called 'Dream Team' the Avengers assemble together for the first time.

3. At the end of that book, it'll lead you to the third story called 'The Miracle' based on my all-time favorite Captain America movie, The Winter Soldier.

4. The end of that book will lead you to the fourth story called 'Outsmarted' based on Age of Ultron which is one of my favorites as well.

5. The end of that book will lead you to the fifth story which is called 'Broken' which is based on Civil War, a phenomenal movie that gave me my first heartbreak when Steve and Tony fought. After you've read that, it'll lead you back here.

For those of you who have already read the first five books, please continue and enjoy it.

I love you guys.

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