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2018 Outer Space
"No resurrections this time."

After the events of fighting Hela on Asgard, Thor Odinson was officially named King of Asgard, a role that he first never wanted to have, but with Odin dead, he didn't have much of a choice. He decided to bring the remainder of his people to Earth for refuge.

But they never made it.

The Titan Thanos had taken over Thor's ship on his quest for the Infinity Stones to carry out his grand plan. He believes the Earth is too populated, and there aren't enough resources to sustain life for everyone. His logic is that if he eliminates half of life, then the other half will prosper with the resources they have.

"Hear me and rejoice. You have had the privilege of being saved by the Great Titan. You may think this is suffering. No. It is salvation. The Universal scales tip towards balance because of your sacrifice. Smile. For even in death, you have become Children of Thanos." One of the aliens walked past Nikita and Loki, and they looked at Thanos, who was standing over Thor's body on the ground.

They put up the best fight they could, but they were severely outnumbered. Nikita and Thor were badly hurt, but the young redhead was still on her feet. "I know what it's like to lose. To feel so desperately that you're right... yet to fail, nonetheless." Thanos said.

Then he grabbed Thor by his armor and picked him up, and Nikita cringed when she heard Thor groan. Through the trials of dealing with Hela, being sent to another planet, and all the craziness they went through, Nikita and Thor were able to find a healing point in their relationship. But Nikita hated how Thanos could easily just carry Thor around like he wasn't one of the most physically most robust people she's ever known.

"It's frightening. Turns the legs to jelly. But I ask you, to what end? Dread it, run from it... destiny arrives all the same." Thanos said. Nikita and Loki were surrounded by some of Thanos' army aliens. "And now, it's here. Or should I say... I am." He said, lifting his hand to show that he was wearing a gauntlet, and Nikita noticed one of the Infinity Stones inside.

The Power Stone.

It was happening.

Thor started having visions around the time they were fighting against Ultron about the Infinity Stones, and now Thanos was out to collect them. "You talk too much." Thor choked out while Thanos was holding and slightly squeezing his head.

"Please just let him go!" Nikita said as she held her side. She knew because of her powers, she could heal herself, but because of how badly she was hurt, it was going to take longer.

"The Tesseract. Or your lover's head," Thanos said to the girl while moving the Infinity Stone closer to Thor. "I assume you both have a preference," Thanos said to Nikita and Loki, who looked at each other. Nikita knew that Loki had the Tesseract; he always has the Tesseract. The question is, was he going to give it up? Or would he let Thanos kill Thor?

Nikita knew in this last year that Loki had proven his loyalty to Thor, but had it been enough? "Oh, I do. Kill away." Loki said, and Nikita's eyes widened.

"You bastard!" She exclaimed before quickly whipping around to Thanos when she heard Thor yell out in pain. She ran to make a move for him, but one of the aliens grabbed her and held her back. "No! Let me go, let him g...-Thor!" Her painful shouts filled the room. Thanos continued to press the Infinity Stone into his skull, while Thor yelled in pain, and Nikita tried to fight out of the alien's grip that held her.

"Alright, stop!" Loki finally screamed. Thanos moved the Infinity Stone from Thor's head and gestured for his alien to let Nikita go, which it did.

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