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"getting him back... that was supposed to be the hardest part."


childhood was nothing but a blurry memory for may li, filled with nonsensical images that she could hardly recall the context behind. however, she remembers sitting by her popo's side with the local news playing as background noise; the older woman's stern gaze always seemed to pierce her own bright eyes as she was lectured about the dangers of leaving the house alone, especially at night.

despite the countless warnings, may li never truly feared the outcome. no one had ever been kidnapped from her hometown so surely it wouldn't happen to her, right?

well, she supposed, it didn't. not really.

for all the talks and warnings she received, the topic of recovery was hardly mentioned. and perhaps she never would have realised, had she not been in the situation she was.

but, staring through the hospital room's window at ryan reeves' sleeping form, may li could honestly say she was at a loss for words.


hi so this is the 'twist' one shot expansion that one person did actually ask for, although it was months ago and they have probably forgotten (i'm still counting it -dumpers  👀)

basically, if you've not read that and want to get an idea of what this is all about then feel free to check it out in my oneshots book bUT if you haven't then don't worry, you don't need to read it - one of the main reasons being this expansion differs from the original story. this will be different so please don't comment/tell me how this doesn't meticulously follow the original, i'm already aware (hmm mayhaps this is passive aggressive but it's the easiest way to get my point across)

anyway, this is gonna have shorter chapters than i would usually do (i'm talking 200ish words, give or take) but there will be more of them so that kinda makes up for it

the book will be separated into parts (as in part one will have however many chapters etc...) so i've decided to begin publishing the chapters for part one and, in a few weeks (lets be honest, probably months) when i've finished the chapters for part two, i'll start publishing those

(i didn't explain that well yikes. basically, part one is being published and there will be a hiatus before part two, and if there is a part three, the same will apply.)

i hope you enjoy the story and any feedback would be appreciated : )

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