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"you said he would start talking in a few days, anna."

"i know what i said, but these things take time. i gave you an estimate that was based on a hope, may li. you know that."

"yes, but... no, no, you're right. i'm sorry, it's just hard. i want him to be okay, y'know? to just- be the person he was becoming. i don't want this to have been the final straw."

"i understand what you're saying, really, i do, but we don't know what ryan has been through. eight months is a very long time, especially in these circumstances. the truth is, we can only do so much until he opens up."

"i suppose."


"get some rest, may. i'll let you know if there's any changes."

"before you go, can i ask, is there really nothing you can do to encourage him? even just a few words?"

"...i'll talk to a few of the resident psychologists, see if there's anything."

"thank you."

"of course."

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