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ryan this.

ryan that.

ryan, ryan, ryan.

and, every time, he flinched away.

why? why did his name cause so much distress?

there is a psychologist with him, sitting down in the chair that may li had occupied for weeks on end. she watched them talk, noted the way ryan reacted almost passively to everything the man was saying, as if he was not in control of his own emotions.

before long, the man had left the room and gestured for may li to follow him into a more secluded area. they took a seat at a small table and the care worker prepared herself for the worst.

the psychologist sat straight, features schooled in a way that the woman knew all too well, and used herself far too often, "this is a difficult thing for anyone to hear, let alone understand."

"evan, please." may li pushed.

a deep breath. a pause.

"he says he's not ryan."


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