18/02 - 11:26

73 5 1

"kid, you're sister... isn't dead."

(there was a blood stained shirt clothing his torso, and his hands were covered in the congealing liquid. it was cold and sticky and he couldn't remember why there was so much of it but he knew it wasn't his-)

"yes, she is. i know it."

(-a woman yelling at him, screaming that he had done a terrible cruelty and he was only safe with her.

"if you stay with me," she said, "i won't let them find you.")

"ryan- didn't kill her. she's alive. i can call her, if you'd like?"

(-didn't understand. he wouldn't hurt anyone like that, he couldn't, but jenny just kept shouting whenever he refused to listen, until one day when he realised denial was futile and perhaps he did take a knife to his sister-)

"hello? hello, ryan? i'm here, ry. i'm here."

and suddenly he was crying.

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