Cha 24: I can do it

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It was time.

Iida had been played.

Izuku watched Uraraka walk up and into the ring. And prayed for her safety. He knew Bakugou wouldn't go easy on her.

The crowd cheered on relentlessly and awaited the battle. Then Midnight gave the signal. And the match began.

Bakugou POV

I wasn't gonna go easy on round face. She always hung around with Deku. The chances of her having a plan were high. Or if that damn nerd gave her a strategy to beat me was high. I wasn't going go easy on any opponent.

Uraraka POV

There's was a tonne of people supporting me. My parents, my classmates, and Deku. If deku can do than so can I. I can do it. I can do it.

I repeated those words in my mind.

Nobody POV

Uraraka charged towards Bakugou. Eyes filled with determination. She want going to go down without a fight. She show the world that she could be a hero. She'd show them that she could do it. Just like Deku.

The reason why she didn't accept, his help because she needed to do this battle on her own. She couldn't just rely on her friends forever. She came up with a plan and went in head first with it.

She reached for Bakugou, but he was quick and blew an explosion at her. She got blasted back but got to her feet.

Her mind only screaming 'i can do it' as she charged once more. Always keeping body. The clouds of smoke and dust helping to hide her movements.

Izuku watched her carefully, praying she doesn't get to hurt.

Bakugou was calm as he went against his opponent. He was shouting, cussing or screaming. He recognized his opponent.

Uraraka kept on coming at him. Bakugou shot of an explosion but she dodged and kept on going. She was so close but Bakugou was faster and blew a blast directly at her but she was no longer there

Only a now burned PE jacket and she was behind him reaching out. Bakugou almost panicked and quickly blew her back with a blast, keeping her as far away from him. He knew if she touched him.

Uraraka knew this wasn't going to be easy. She knew what was in store for her. She wiped the sweat of her her cheek and charged once more, still staying low.

The crowd watched and began to say that Bakugou was toying with her. Izuku had mixed feelings. Yes he was mad at Bakugou, he was worried for Uraraka, but he was thankful to him.

Because he wasn't underestimating her.

Bakugou wasn't going underestimate anyone that hung around Deku.

"Boo!" The crowd began to coo

"WHAT kind of hero are trying to become"

"Stop toying with her already"

"Are you even taking this seriously"

This got Izuku mad. If he was mad then sure as hell his dad was mad.

Present Mic was about to agree with the crowd when suddenly " elbow!?"

"Who was the one who said that?!" Erasure Head questioned

"Was it a pro, if it was then you should think about your career choice"

"Bakugou is underestimating his opponent. That's why she's still in the ring. His recognized her, and knows that she isn't going to go down without a fight"

Aizawa began to lecture the crowd. This calmed Izuku down and the crowd ceased the booing and watched

Izuku watched as Uraraka pressed her fingers together. He knew what she was planning and prayed she succeeded.

"Release" the smoke and dust cleared up and everyone looked up. Many eyes almost fell out their sockets as they were witnessing a meteor shower.

Bakugou had his head up and so Uraraka took this as a chance.

Her played back to everything that happened recently. The attack, the battle training with Deku, the entrance exam. She had been saved all through those times. She remembered her promise she made with Deku.

She promised him she would become a hero with him. She was going to be a hero. For him, for her parents, and for herself. She wasn't going to sit around and let people save her. She was going be the one to save them.

She remembered giving Deku a new meaning. A new meaning to his name. "Deku sounds like a Japanese word for you can do it" it was time to take a page out her own book.

Her heart and mind all screamed I can do it as she charged for Bakugou.

Bakugou lifted a hand to the sky of falling concrete. Uraraka was inches away from Bakugou. But then he released what could be the largest explosion he had ever released. The force blew Uraraka back.

The concrete blew up and away and scattered. The smoke from the blast reached for the heavens.

And when it cleared it revealed Uraraka on the ground. Her eyes clouded and but blank as she kept on muttering the words "I can still do it" until she passed out from over using her quirk.

"Uraraka is unable to battle, Bakugou is the victor" the crowd cheered for him. Bakugou's thoughts on them was how fickle many of them could be

Present Mic fell out of character and sighed heavily cause he was truly supporting Uraraka.

Izuku went to her after seeing who would be going against each other. He didn't know whether luck was on his side or not.

His second round was next and he was going up against Todoroki.

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