Cha 39: Unexpected

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Almight watched them bicker. He has to admit, it was funny to watch. He wondered when they will realise his behind them. He also wondered of they knew a camera was watching them. He wondered if Izuku knew the teachers had audio.

All in all, they had dug their own graves of embarrassment. For example, for some reason Bakugou is afraid of his aunt's tiny dog.

Izuku saw the kid chased up a tree clawing to it like a frightened cat. The kid even had proof. Of course he has proof seeing the local bully chased up a tree by a dog needed to be documented

Bakugou mentioned Izuku list of people to blackmail.

Viewing room

"HIS REPEATING HISTORY. AIZAWA YOU THOUGHT HIM HOW!!!!" Midnight shouts throwing a chair at the man

Aizawa dodges

"You got no proof!!" He retorts

Present Mic face palms. 'That just means you did' he thinks

Back to the battle

Izuku was certain he got Bakugou with his last shot but then the blond decided to pull out something Izuku thought no one knew

"At least I wasn't a fucking Vi-lmmm" Izuku clamped the boys mouth shut

"How the hell do you know about that!?!?!" Izuku shouts in surprise

Viewing room

"Vi?" Everyone question and look and Aizawa

"I ain't giving you an answer" Aizawa says

Izuku's vigilante stage.

For one whole year the kid kept up the act. Very difficult when your dad is a pro. Met some interesting people, that he may or may not have black mailed. Accidentally digging up information on them and using it to threaten them.

The kid was known as Yami. And Yami had been caught by Aizawa and his vigilante days were over. Reason why he did in the first place was to look for who killed his mom and step-dad

Aizawa managed to find loopholes and the kid managed to get out. But of course Aizawa went with own punishment for the kid.

Bakugou is just as observant as Izuku. Seriously for a year the kid had been acting strangely and when he stumbled upon the truth he didn't know what to do.

But then he didn't need to because in his point of view, Deku got his shit back together. That and because Aizawa made sure of it.

"And it was getting to the good part" Almights voice made them turn and face the man

Before they could react, the man threw a punch and sent them barreling through the air out into the open streets

It was time to give Izuku a piece of his own medicine. Almight grabbed onto Bakugou and batted Izuku. Almight noted the kid being heavier than he should be.

Luckily Izuku was prepared and had activated razor extend. But he didn't expect Almight to toss the blond to him as though he was a flying projectile.

Bakugou was starting to get pissed. The bloody weights were holding him down

"We should toss it" Izuku says as he rises from the rubble

"Almight won't let any of us out and I'm sure we can't bring him down. So our best hope is to distract him and hopefully out smart him"

"Whats the fucking plan then"

"Oh it's a terrible one..." Izuku says and the blond grunts and looks down

The boys had scattered once more and Almight was starting to get annoyed about this ninja like game they were pulling.

Ten more minutes and they fail.

"DIE!!!!" Bakugou shouts and launched at Almight

A surprise attack, the pro thought, but a very poor one at that. Almight grabbed the kid by the hand, immediately noticing the drastic drop in weight

Next thing he knows, the boy clad in black jumps and slams something down on his face again

And once again it was painful

"THAT IS IT YOU BRATS!!!!!" Almight shouted

Bakugou and Izuku were already dashing for the exit. Bakugou using his explosion and Izuku plain running

Pissed because he got hit in the face three times and because the boys did not hold back and made him fall for the same trick three times that day

He leaped for Bakugou who was in the air. The boy maneuvered quickly and shot up. For some reason he decided to deal with him first

He leaped once more up high but something wrapped around his body. He turned to see

Before he got the upper hand and threw him into a building the man pulled the kid up and slammed his fist into his gut. Izuku crashed down and embedded himself into the road

Bakugou fired at Almight but the man grabs his foot and slams a dew feet away opposite of Izuku. The man then lands in between them. Izuku binding gear still wrapped around him but loosely

"Well heroes it seems you have failed" he says. He was expecting more from these boys and somehow felt disappointed

"Don't look at us like that Almight" Izuku says forcing himself up

"I fucking hate your plan deku" Bakugou growls as he too rises

In a matter of minutes and the time would be up and they would have failed

"Its best you give up heroes" Almight says

"Almight, dad never says this but the number one rule about being a hero is to all expect the unexpected"

Both boys simultaneously lift they dominate hands. Both of have with a grenade gauntlet. There is no time for the man to dodge and takes the blow. A futile attempt he thinks. With One For All he could be said to be fireproof and so the heat was barely doing anything to him...

Well nothing to him but something to what was wrapped around him. He began to feel strangled and constricted as the heat from the blast got hotter from both sides

Izuku got the idea from Todoroki and Yaoyorozu's battle. It was a cheap rip off but hey anything goes. Bakugou did the honour of cuffing Almight who was looking dumbstruck

Bakugou also looked dumbstruck

"What" Izuku asked. He was so sure he fractured his spine. He didn't get to harden up. Kirishma would be disappointed. Bakugou too looked to be in the same shape

"How did your plan work" Bakugou asked. He was not expecting it to work.

It was simple. They poss of Almight, wrap him up with the scarf and heat it up till it hardens. Well the two were preparing to fail, but it's seems lady luck was on their side today

A completely unexpected turn if events

In fact to many unexpected things happened that day. The one that most like shocked everyone is Bakugou and Izuku working together

More unexpected would be the bro fist bump the two shared before passing out. Mostly from shock and the pain in their backs

Almight's mind - how the hell should I get out of this

The poor man was still restrained and cuffed. He squirmed and called out for help as the medic bots took Bakugou and Izuku away

Viewing room

"Shouldn't we help him" asked Mic

"There better not be fractures in those boys spines other wise I'll make sure that he doesn't get out those" recovery girls says making her way out looking very angry and every UA alumni and student knows to not make this woman mad

Sadly they had fractures

R.I.P. Almight

Aizawa IzukuWhere stories live. Discover now