Cha 44: Little sister

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"So you are telling me that your son who is also the ninth holder of One For All somehow happened to stumble upon Overhaul..." Night-Eye asked

Eraserhead replied with an affirmative grunt

"And was able to get hold of a girl that the man had been experimenting on..."

Another grunt

Almight who was with them sweat dropped

They were in Nezu's office discussing about the girl that Izuku literally picked up. Said boy was at the hospital with the girl. The events that happened after was not made public. If it was who nows what would happen

Uraraka had accompanied him. Along with Iida. It had been a week since the girl was admitted and would soon need to be discharged

The was not going to any child welfare center or anything. Due to the quirk that she had demonstrated

They were able to dig up information on the girl. She was the granddaughter of the head of the yakuza group that Overhaul now rules. Her mother had abandoned her and her father........

Her father had fallen victim to her quirk when it manifested. The scars on her hand clearly shows that she was experimented on and her mental state was not the most stable

The incident which led to those in the office discussing about the girls future happened when a nurse had gone to take a blood sample from Eri.

Panic gripped the little girls heart as she saw the needle. Her quirk caused everything around her to rewind the nurse lost or in other terms gained back ten years. If she held onto the girl any longer she would have been reduced to the point she didn't exist.

Luckily Aizawa was there and erased her quirk and saved the nurse. Said woman didn't know whether to be mad and frightened or happy and thankful

The once thirty five year looked twenty five. Said nurse was also sick from cancer and Eri rewind her to the state she had none. The young girl wouldn't know the good she had done for a long time

"We have to look for a place for where the girl should stay" Naomasa said sighing

"UA can take custody of her" Nezu said sounding eager

"Sorry Nezu-san but an institution cannot take custody of a child"

"A pro needs to look after her" said Night-eye

"But most pros don't have any experience with children this young and those that do well, they have their own families to worry about"

'And some are not much of a choice' Aizawa commented in his mind while thinking of Endeavor

"Why not you Aizawa-kun" Almight currently Toshinori Yagi chipped in

"That may be the logical answer. You have the ability to erase her quirk if it gets out of hand" Night-eye said

"With that we can tell the hero counsil and the problem will be solved"

"Plus you already have experience dealing with problematic children"

"I guess I have no choice" Aizawa grunted

"So we're taking her home" Izuku asked. At the moment he stood in disbelief outside Eri's hospital room.

"Yeah..." His father grunted back

"Yahoo!!!!" Izuku cheered happily

He was hoping for that to happen. He always wanted a sibling and now he has one

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