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(A/n: I've decided to 'shorten' this story

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(A/n: I've decided to 'shorten' this story. Meaning that we're only going to about book two of the original series on here. It's a surprisingly long story 😂 .

I already have one of the boys in the original harem. Rori is a photographer, always carrying around his bulky camera despite the technology we have nowadays. He's blonde, it's messy with a bit of a wave and frames his face to his neck. His tall, lean, with warm brown eyes that are framed by his black glasses. Quiet, a bit of a rascal, and determined to find answers. Rori and Kinley kinda just appeared together in my head one day. I saw them watching a football game on the bleachers, they share a look, he smirks, she blushes, and he leans in. Instead of kissing her, he grins and pulls her into his side. They're squished together, cheek to cheek. He's still smirking, she's grinning goofily, those bright blue eyes twinkling happily, as he holds out his camera and takes a picture of her.

The team dynamic will obviously be changed from the academy to a white hat vigilante hacker team that goes by 404 (meaning not found error). A team that starts receiving transmissions from an anonymous hacker who calls themselves 'Pix.3.lated'. The setting changes a bit too. It's still a high school, but it reaches out to her father's workplace, a man named Dean 'our uncle' who she worked for, and the plot is ten times crazier than I'll be revealing on here.)


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"Ah! There you are Miss Pixel!", a very cheerful Sean chirps at me from down the hall. I turn on my toes and give him a big smile," Looking for me were you?"

He chuckles while heading my way," We were a little worried about you after last night. Didn't know if you'd show back up at all today."
I shrug, my demeanor shifting to one of unease as I look off to the side. With a bit of a mumble, I murmur," I just had to process it all."

And decide just how selfish I wanted to be. It's not an easy decision to let go of this world. However, I'm no longer a part of this world. I no longer hold any claim to it. My time here has passed. Theirs has just begun.

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