Always Innocent

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Daniel led Cam through a series of long corridors. He walked quickly and on high alert while Cam trailed behind marveling at the old portraits that were hung on the walls. "Could you hurry up I don't want to get caught wandering around the school with its biggest delinquent".
Cam smiled to himself.
"Why do you want to know if it's a new student?" Daniel took a sharp corner and Cam had to run to catch up with him. "Why did you agree to take me ?" Cam stopped to steal a sliver ornament that was placed on a coffee table. "Where is this office ? Outer Mongolia?" Cam complained. They reached a huge spiral staircase. Cam looked up and groaned. Daniel laughed and ran up the stairs taking each step faster than the last while Cam mumbled swear words to himself as he slowly made his way up. Daniel sighed and waited at the top of the stairs, Cam pushed passed him roughly hitting Daniel on the shoulder with a smirk on his face.
Daniel took a deep breath trying to stay calm and forced a smile on his face.

Cam walked up to the front desk and looked at Penn like she was an insect he wanted to swat away. Penn looked up. Cams eyes were narrowed and his lips were set into a cold, hard line. Penn swallows intimidated by his clothes, size and his cold expression even though he was rather attractive. "Is there a new kid?" Cam asked bluntly.
"What Cam meant to say in a nice way was did you happen to see who was in the black van that drove in this morning?" Cam was about to ask how Daniel knew about the van when a teacher walked in from the back room. " what are you boys doing here?" She asked sternly. "Daniel had a bit of an incident at the pool and is in quite a bit of pain so I brought him here to see if anyone can ease his suffering" Cam smiles sweetly. Daniel gave him a death stare. Cam looked down at Penn daring her to say otherwise. "Be quick I don't want to see you walking around" she picks up a book from the table and returns to the back room. "I'm not in pain" Daniel states confused" Cam pushed him into a wall causing Daniel to hit his shoulder.. hard. "Now you are"

Daniel rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Penn. "Please it's important" he pleaded.
"She's with Mr Kinley" Mr Kinley was the school counselor. Every student at Sword and Cross had to see him at least once a week. He had the curliest hair and soft brown eyes. He made kids look at ink blots and gave out pills to the most traumatized. Cam found him infuriating. Mr Kinley thought that he could fix everyone but the truth was not everyone was broken. They were just doing things that made them feel alive and wanted even if it was seen as shameful in the eyes of the elderly.
"How long as she been in there?" Cam asked with a soft smile on his face. Penn relaxed a bit. Cam looked much better when he was calm and patient although it rarely happened. " She just went I'm so she'll probably only be out after lunch" she shrugged. "Let's go down and get something to eat. We will see who she is eventually" Daniel reasoned. Cam nodded and made his way down the stairs.

Hey guys ! Another short and sort on uneventful chapter but I really want to know you if you guys have feed back :) I've also been gone for ages but sorry about that ! I'm so excited for the next Chapter and you'll see why;)

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