Sword and Cross

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Everything looked beautiful in fall, at least that's what Cam thought as he stared listlessly out the foggy window of the police car he had so kindly got a ride in. Vandalizing a bus stop was hardly a criminal offense in his book. The bus stop had peeling paint everywhere and was considered clean if there were less than ten pieces of litter thrown onto the floor. All Cam had done was brighten it up a bit with some flames sprayed over the peeling paint. How was he supposed to know a close to blind lady would think it was an actual fire? What happened to seeing eye dogs these days ?. For about the eleventh time this term Cam pulled up at the boarding school with an escort. The school looked above him, tall and forbidding. A scowl spread across Cam's handsome face. He tilted his head forward so that his fringe covered his eyes and got out of the car slamming the door behind him. Mr Rashford , the schools receptionist, groaned like an animal in pain as he saw Cam being brought in. Cam smiled sweetly and took a lollipop from the jar on the reception desk as he sauntered past. " I'm getting too old for this" mumbled Rashford as he walked into the room where Cam was seated on a desk, the lollipop carefully balanced on his lip like a cigarette.

After a half an hour snooze enticing lecture Cam was free to carry on with his day. He cringed as he saw his timetable. Religious studies with Mrs Sophia in the library. If it was not already bad enough he shared the class with Daniel, Gabrielle and Arriane. They were the perfect little students according to anyone who knew them. Daniel was the perfect jock who happened to have golden fingers as well. He excelled at swimming and although Cam hated to admit, drew the most amazing pictures. His blonde hair never had a strand out of place and his ice blue eyes were almost always smiling. Arriane and Gabby were just always happy .. it was sickening . Cam hesitated outside the tall wooden doors that led into the library. He hated the smell of books and furniture polish. He pushed open the doors and walked up to Mrs Sophia with a fake smile. "Sit down Cam" she sighed. Her expensive blonde hair was tied in a neat bun and her suit was pressed and perfect. Cam flopped down in a huge, red arm chair that looked like it came from the dark ages. The only thing remotely appealing were the Golden Lion heads on the two arm rests. Cam felt powerful when he sat there, like a king on his throne. Daniel rolled his eyes at Cam. He sat with his feet up as if he had not a care in the world. Cam's cold eyes were the colour of a stormy ocean, they looked through Mrs Sophia as if she were invisible. His coffee coloured hair was tied in a low bun and his long fringe flopped to the side. Cam always dressed in black. Today he wore his leather jacket , torn black jeans and and old fashioned button up shirt that would look stupid on anyone else but him. Cam turned his attention over to the window. As he watched a jet black van pull up he listened to Mrs Sophia's voice. It sounded like words on a breeze, putting him in a trance.

The story of the Fallen Angels. Long before the birth of the world we live in, God crested Heaven. It was to be a sacred, peaceful place. The creatures he created to live there looked like humans but were adorned with wings. They all had beautiful or handsome features as God took days making sure they all looked perfect. Everything was at peace until Gods favourite angel Lucifer repelled against him. Heaven was at war. The angels were forced to choose a side . One angel could not. He had found something else to fight for. The love of a human girl. When him and a few other angels could not decide whom to fight for they were cast down to earth in tremendous fury. On earth their wings were not constant. They appeared only when needed and became transparent. They could still be seen and glowed brilliantly in the dark, normal human world. The angels Lucifer recruited no longer had pure white wings but theirs turned to gold. Each feather looked deadlier than the last. They were stranded on earth until that one special angel gave up love forever "

Cam snapped back to reality. The mysterious van had disappeared and Daniel was sleeping soundly on his sketch book. The bell rings to signal the end of the lesson and everyone rushes to gather their things and leave. Cam needed to grab Molly and find that van. Lucifer had sent another mission for him.

That's the end of the first chapter ! I know not much happened but I promise it will begin to pick up in the second ! Please leave me a comment if you have any questions and I look forward to updating soon :)?

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