Miss Brantley

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Cam landed outside Sword and Cross at nightfall. He was tired and starving as he skipped lunch and missed dinner. All the teachers had gone home as the parking lot was empty. All the windows and doors were locked so Cam flew to Rolands room and looked through his tiny window.  Roland was lying on his bed listening to music with an iPod that he somehow managed to get his hands on. Cam rolled his eyes before knocking on the window causing Roland to jump up like a startled cat. He opened the window for Cam and pulled him inside. Cam landed on the floor and was rolling side to side in a fit of laugher.  "I hate you so much" Roland looked down at him disgusted. Cam finally stopped laughing and stood up breathing heavily. Rolands room was covered in posters and random items, gadgets and technology filled every surface. He even had a mini fridge filled with beer. "It's fuller than last time" Cam looked around shocked. "Where the hell were you?" Roland asked Cam angrily. "I needed to stretch my wings" Cam shrugged. Roland huffed and sat down on his bed. "Anyways thank you for letting me in" Cam smiled at him before leaving.

He was about to head to bed when he heard his stomach growl. Food then he thought to himself. The kitchen was not in the lunch hall it was connected to the teachers lounge. Mrs Sophia was the only teacher that stayed at Sword and Cross but Cam went down to the kitchen at all hours all the time so he was sure she wouldn't even bat an eye. The halls were dark and eerily quiet as Cam made his way down to the teachers lounge. He was surprised to find the light on as he approached the door. Cam hesitated before entering. What was he going to tell Mrs Sophia if he got caught? He could probably something about grabbing a snack for the office aid she thought he had a crush on.  When Cam entered he did not find Mrs Sophia but he found a girl he did not recognize. 
"Hi " she smiled at Cam. "I'm the new girl"
Cam was startled to say the least. He felt like a deer caught in headlights. He managed to control himself and smiled back at her. "Cam"
Cleo was dressed in a black dress with high heeled boots that looked like they cost a small fortune. Her skin was the colour of toffee. Her hair was long and dark brown but she had dark blonde highlights that fell in waves all the way down to her waist. The most striking feature of Cleo was her fiery amber eyes. They were slanted kind of like a cats. "If you don't mind me asking, What are you doing here?" Cam leaned against the wall and his smile returned to his naughty smirk. "Wellll" Cleo started to make two cups of coffee "I was in counseling at lunch and then I got shown around the whole night and missed dinner" she looked at Cam and sighed dramatically. He laughed and began walking to the kitchen. He turned back and held his arm out for Cleo. "Shall we go see what's on the menu?" She stopped making the coffee and ignored the arm he held out for her making him smile. After raiding the kitchen Cam and Cleo flopped down on the teachers couches with spaghetti and warm coffee. "So Cleo who did you meet today?" Cam asked taking a forkful of spaghetti. "A very scared looking office aid, two way to happy and sweet girls, a shifty looking guy who apparently can get me anything I want and a guy called Daniel and his girlfriend who looked kinda like Bella from twilight" Cam laughed at the way she described everyone. "Did Daniel show you around?" Cleo snuggled into the couch. "Yeah he's such a sweet guy" Cam tensed up. They finished eating and Cam took their dishes to the sink. When he Cam back Cleo was waiting outside the lounge nervously. "Do you want me to walk you back?" He smirked. "Yes but only because I can't remember the way back"

"This place is really creepy in the dark" Cleo whispered as they walked to the girls dorms. Cam itched to find out whether she was an angel or not but he could not think of a way to subtly bring it up. "Daniel told me you were a bad boy and that I should stay clear of you. Is that true?" She bumped into Cam smiling. "I'll let you figure that out on your own but you must be trouble if you ended up here" he looked back at her.  "I grew tired of where I was living so my dad sent me here" Cam stopped outside number one hundred and fourteen. "You picked the wrong place for entertainment" Cam opened the door for her. "I've seen you before you know" Cleo said as she stepped inside and turned to face Cam. Her fiery eyes burned into his skin. Cleo just looked like she was trouble. She smirked at him playfully. " I'm pretty sure I would have remembered" Cam felt nervous and uneasy which normally never happens. There was just something about Cleo that made him unable to function properly. "You work for my dad" Cleo said before closing the door to her bedroom. That's not possible Cam thought to himself. "Does that mean you're an angel?" Cam called to her. "I'll let you decided that for yourself" Cam smiled and walked back to his dorm. Cam couldn't stop thinking about what she had said and those amber eyes of hers. If Cam did work for her father then that would make her none other than the Devils daughter.

Hey guys ! I hope you enjoyed that chapter :) sorry for not uploading a part in so long I'll try and be more consistent about the uploads. Please feel free to leave a comment or a question if you're enjoying the series :)

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