Protect [Beast/Adam from BEAUTY AND THE BEAST]

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"Gaston, leave me alone before he finds out you're here

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"Gaston, leave me alone before he finds out you're here." I spat as I walked deeper into the forest.

Gaston followed me on my way to the palace, he knew very well that I was on my way to see Prince Adam, or best known as the Beast. For me, he's no beast at all. He's really kind and soft-hearted once you got to know him.

"Are you seriously going back to that beast? There are more men in the village, you know?" Gaston replied as he blocked my way.

I furrowed my eyebrows in response "Our village is tiny, Gaston. I'm afraid I already know their personalities."

"Why don't you get to know someone a little more. You know? Someone... very charming and manly." He exhaled in front of me. He flexed a little, and it made me cringe.

"I found my own very charming and manly someone, and that's Adam." I strike again. I got out of his way, but then he blocked me again.

"He's a furry beast, for God's sake! He's an animal, how can you love that monstrous being?" Gaston argued, his voice getting louder as it echoes through the forest.

"He's not a monster!" I protested. He then walked closer to me, making me step back a little.

My back hits a tree, and I went to a complete stop. Gaston was really close to me by now, and he moved his face closer to mine a couple of inches more. I felt disgusted when he locked me against the tree.

"Marry me, Belle." Gaston whispered. A dark chuckle following afterwards.

"No, please!" I shrieked as his face got even closer.

I gasped when I felt his weight disappear from my body. There, I heard a low growl. I smiled as a result when I saw Gaston on the ground. He was being towered by Adam as he growled louder and Gaston panted heavily.

"Stay away from Belle." Adam growled. His paws clenching on the process. "If you ever touch her again, I'll make sure your face gets ripped off from your head. Now get lost." Adam's voice boomed. His sudden voice made birds fly away from the forest.

Gaston was pale at this point. All the color from his face drained and his eyes widened at the sight of Adam.

"I-I'll just go and catch some b-birds a-and— LeFou! LeFou, help me!" Gaston screamed as he ran away in terror.

I giggled at the sight and made my way closer to Adam. I lightly touched his fur, and his head turned back to see me.

"Are you okay?" He frantically asked. "Did he hurt you?" He gently grabbed my face and checked for some bruises. He sighed in relief when I shook my head.

"I'm okay, don't worry. Thank you, he would've done worse if you hadn't came sooner." I thanked, he showed a little smile as a response for my gratitude.

"I guess it's just in me to protect you, mademoiselle." He winked, and showed a goofy smile.

I giggled and smacked his shoulder playfully. "Let's go back to your palace."

"Our palace." He corrected. I smiled at his response and hugged his arm as we both walked through the forest together.

"I like the sound of that," I giggled.

"Anything for you, mademoiselle."

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