Chapter 32: This Is War

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"Baby...wake up. I got something for you." I felt Erica pounce onto the bed beside me.

"Nooo. It's my only day to sleep in. Can't it wait?" I grunted as I sleepily tucked my head beneath my pillow.

"Nope it can't ." I felt Erica climb on my back bouncing up and down as she pulled the pillow off my head. "Besides, it's like noon." She leaned down kissing my cheek.

I slowly opened my eyes to a set of keys dangling in front of my face. "You got me new keys?" I yawned turning over as she fell onto her side of the bed.

"Yeah keys, that's the big surprise." She mumbled sarcastically. "No...they're keys to something special baby." I didn't have my license so I knew they weren't car keys.

"Keys to what?" I asked sitting up in the bed stretching.

"Keys to this..." she grabbed her phone showing me a photo of a very large house. I sat up completely, taking her phone out of her hand.

"Is this yours?" I asked with wide eyes. The house was beautiful. A huge yard. Had to be at least four or five bedrooms. Nothing like my cramped little 2 bedroom apartment in the city.

"It's ours..." she wrapped her arms around my waist. "Last night went extremely well. I'm talkin' bout six figure typa shit. Not enough to get out the game yet but definitely a big come up and I wanna move away from the city."

Now as amazing as all of this was I couldn't help but to feel slightly jealous. Wintrr was the reason for all this. It was her job and money that she's gotten. I mean Erica was the boss and she ran her own operation but I felt some type of way knowing that some stranger could bring more to the table than I could.

I hadn't seen Erica this happy about anything in a very long time. I hated that I wasn't apart of the reason. We were in this together. Or at least we should have been, but I was feeling so left out.

"It's beautiful E, I love it but I don't really feel like I was apart of the decision." I sighed. Erica was so used to taking care of everybody and everything she didn't stop to think. I was supposed to be her partner in everything.

"Aww babe I'm sorry, I thought you'd love it and I wanted it to be a surprise. Look how about we go look at it and if you don't like it I'll buy you another one." Her lips softly pressed against my neck. I couldn't help but smile.

I chuckled turning to look at her. "No babe, I could never be that spoiled and ungrateful. I'm sure I'll love the house, I just wanna make sure we're in this together. Nobody else."

She leaned in kissing my lips tenderly. "Of course we are. What makes you think any differently?"

I shrugged. "I don't know...I guess I'm just feeling left out." I muttered honestly.

"You don't have to be Cynthia. There's always a spot for you on my team mama. All you gotta' do is say the word. Plus it'll give us more time together and I could damn sure use that." She kissed my lips again as I settled into her arms.

I was hesitant about all of this. For many reasons. It wasn't safe, especially not for Jojo. If anything happened to me, then Cameron would have custody. Not only that but I would be the biggest hypocrite because this was just as dangerous as Cam being out on the corner.

"And it's only for a few more months, then I'm out anyway. The house is in Jersey, we'll save up enough and start our own businesses. Ditch the city but still be close enough to get there. Babe I'm doing this for us. I know this could work."

Erica really knew how to completely melt my heart. I loved this girl so much and I trusted her. Deep down I knew she wouldn't let anything happen to me.

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