Chapter 5 : The rain

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As you finished breakfast, it started raining. You absolutely loved this kind of weather. On rainy nights, you would sit on your front porch with a blanket around yourself and a hot drink in your hands and enjoy the weather. It was kind of your healing time. But today there was 9 boys in your house with you. You couldn't possibly all sit on your front porch looking at the rain falling. You spoke up.

"What should we do today since it's raining outside?"

"We had originally planned on going to the amusement park today, but we can't do that now." Hyunjin said pouting.

"Tomorrow is supposed to be a sunny day so we could go tomorrow? We can still do something fun even if we're inside!" You exclaimed.

"Hmmm.. How about board games? Do you have any?" Chan asked.

"Let me check"

You went to your mom's office and checked in the wardrobe. Luckily you had some. You found Jenga, Monopoly and this penguin game. You hadn't played any of these in years so they were pretty dusty. You wiped the dust off of them and went back to the living room.

"I found these?" You said as you walked in the living room.

"Oh jenga! I love this game." Jisung excitedly said.

"Shall we play that one first then?" You asked.

All the boys yelled in unison. They looked like kids being that excited by board games. You smiled to yourself and sat down around the table with them.

"Are we doing penalities for the loser?" Felix asked

"Oh yeah! That'll be fun!" Changbin exclaimed.

With that you started playing. You all took turns and as there was 10 of you playing, the game was advancing pretty quickly. It was your turn again and just as you were moving a block around, you sneezed resulting in the whole tower falling down.

"I guess I'm getting a penality." You pouted.

"Don't think acting cute will get you an easier penality!" Minho teased.

You were a bit embarassed, but waited patiently for your penality. The members were whispering in each others' ears until Minho spoke up again.

"Here's your penality! You have to go outside in the rain and dance to one of our song!"

"Can I dance to any of them?" You asked.

The boys nodded and you walked to the front door with the group following you like little ducklings. You put on your shoes and opened the door. You smiled at the sight of the rain peacefully falling down. You walked to the middle of the yard and started dancing. You chose to dance to Get Cool since it was your favorite song to dance to. Your smile never left your lips. You stopped dancing as your punishment was over and looked up to the sky letting the rain fall on your figure. You closed your eyes for a few seconds before hearing one of the boys yell for you to come inside. You walked back inside with a big grin on your face.

"That was great" You claimed.

"You like the rain? You seemed so happy there." Woojin asked.

"It's actually my favorite weather. It makes me feel so peaceful."

You felt a towel being wrapped around you. You looked up to see Chan smiling.

"We wouldn't want you to get sick, right?"

His arms were still around you holding the towel.

"You should probably go change into dry clothes." The leader added.

His grip around you loosened and you went to your room to change into dry clothes. You chose to wear sweatpants and a hoodie as the rain left you feeling cold. You walked back to the living room and sat down beside Chan. The boys started playing again, but Chan was focused on you. You noticed his soft gaze on you so you looked at him.

"Is there something on my face?" You slightly tilted your head to the side.

"You're fascinating me." He smiled.

"How come?"

"You looked so happy under the rain even if you were getting wet." He laughed.

His laugh made your heart beat faster as if him looking at you like that didn't already make it go crazy. You chuckled and nodded.

"The rain is my healing time." You said hugging your knees.

You laid your head on your knees still looking at Chan. You studied his features. You couldn't help but notice how gorgeous he looked. From his plump lips to his dimples that showed up only when he smiled to his round eyes you could get lost in. Everything about him was stunning. You both stayed there staring into each other's eyes.

"You're beautiful. You know that?" You murmured to the boy making sure he was the only one hearing what you said.

He smiled hearing your words, but before he could say anything someone cleared their throat to get your attention.

"It's Chan's turn!" I.N declared oblivious to what had just happened.

Chan brought his attention to the Jenga tower. He thought about what he should do before starting to move a block. You shifted in your spot and accidently kicked the table doing so which made the tower fall.

"Oh god I'm so sorry. It's my fault!" You apologized to Chan.

Chan had froze with his block still above the now nonexistant tower ready to be placed. The members burst into laughter. You kept on apologizing until the leader held his finger to your lips to shush you.

"This just means we'll have to do the punishment together." He said grinning.

You nodded slowly. Chan patted your head and smiled.

"A double punishment? Nice!" Jisung exclaimed.

The members gathered together and tried deciding what your punishment would be.

"You're beautiful too." Chan whispered in your ear.

You blushed and played with your fingers which was something you always did when you were nervous or embarassed. The boy held your hand to stop you from playing with your fingers.

"Alright! Here's your punishment." Woojin said as the members looked back at the both of you.

"Tomorrow you'll have to hold hands all day at the amusement park!" Felix excitedly said.

You looked down at your hands and then looked at Chan. He just smiled to you.

"My hands get hot and sweaty really fast so I apologize in advance." You scratched your head slightly embarrassed.

"It's fine mine are always cold so we complete each other." Chan joked.

A few members screamed hearing the leader's cheesy words and some just left the room.

"Oh hell no. Nope not in front of me." Seungmin said as he left the room.

You laughed at the members' reactions. You realized then that this week was going to be one of the best weeks in you entire life.

After the members were calm again, you asked them if they wanted to play another game or watch movies. The majority of them opted for the second option. You turned the TV on and opened Netflix. You let them choose what they wanted while you went and made popcorn. They settled for some animation movie and you sat down beside Chan. The movie started. In the middle of the movie, your eyelids started getting heavy and you fell asleep.

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