Chapter 6 : Singing

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Chan's POV

Chan noticed you had fallen asleep so he laid your head on his shoulder. He was worried about you waking up with a sore neck. The male was no longer interested in the movie. He was focused on you. You looked so peaceful while sleeping, but he knew what you were going through. He understood as he felt the same things while training to debut. Training for 7 years wasn't easy. The reasons weren't the same, but the feelings were. He brushed away a strand of hair that was on your face. He didn't want to wake you up so he was really careful. The movie had come to an end. Everyone stretched. The younger members started talking loudly which made you flinch a little bit in your sleep.

"Be careful guys. She's sleeping." Chan said almost whispering pointing to your sleeping figure.

The younger members apologized and whispered. They started playing around quietly again. After about an hour, I.N started whining about how he was getting hungry so Chan looked up take out places near your house. They found one that had a bunch of different kind of foods. Everyone would be happy that way. The members left you and Chan alone since you were still sleeping on his shoulder. They headed out to go grab the food. Chan was stroking your hair slowly, waking you up. You rubbed your eyes and looked at Chan. He was smiling beautifully.

"Good morning sleepyhead." He joked.

"It's morning already? I slept that long? Where are the other members?" You blurted out panicked.

"Woah woah one question at a time babygirl. The members left to get food for dinner and they left me with you since you were sleeping on my shoulder. I'd say you slept for maybe two hours?"

"Oh I'm sorry for falling asleep on your shoulder!"

"Don't be! I didn't want you to have a sore neck when you woke up." He smiled showing his dimples.

You looked at him. The image you had of him by just watching videos of Stray Kids was true. He was the sweetest, kindest and nicest person you've ever known. Out of nowhere, tears fell. You looked down embarrassed. It worried Chan who held up your chin to see your face properly.

"Hey hey what's wrong?" He asked concerned. You slightly laughed while wiping away your tears.

"It's nothing! I guess I'm just too happy right now. I'm sorry."

"Stop apologizing for things that aren't your fault. It's alright."

"I know I should. I'm.."

"Sorry?" Chan cut you laughing.

"Yeah.." You started laughing as well.

You laid your head on the leader's shoulder again and started playing with your fingers. A comfortable silence fell on the both of you. You stayed silent for a bit until you broke the silence.

"I feel at peace when I'm with you. It's weird I've never felt that connection with anyone before."

Chan took your hand and interwined your fingers together. He started singing softly as he rubbed the back of your hand with his thumb. You knew his voice was beautiful, but hearing it right beside you felt like you were in heaven. You didn't mind the proximity you had with Chan even if you had only met him a few hours ago. You would've been extremely awkward with someone else, but with him it felt natural. It felt right. Chan continued singing softly.

"Hey Chan?"

The older male stopped singing and looked at you. You got up from his shoulder.

"Can I hug you?"

"Of course you can. No need to ask by the way. You can hug me whenever you want." Chan smiled sweetly.

You turned to him and hugged him as tight as you could. You were somehow trying to make sure that he was real and not just a piece of your imagination. You realized he wasn't when you felt him hug you as tight as you were hugging him. You wanted to stay there forever, feeling Chan's warmth and his arms around you. You held onto him for a bit longer until you heard the front door open followed by loud voices. The guys were back from getting food. You broke the hug and smiled at Chan.

"Thank you for really being here and not just a piece of my imagination." You whispered to the leader.

He lightly squeezed your hand in response. The other members came in the living room with multiple bags of food. They had just arrived and the living room was already so loud. Some of them were laughing, some were talking loudly and one or two were screaming for no apparent reason. You had enjoyed the peace and quiet that was present when it was only you and Chan. Now that the others were back, it felt like a jungle. Chan calmed down the members who were now all staring hungrily at the food that was on the table.

"We hope you enjoy the food we picked. We didn't know what you liked so we got a little bit of everything." Woojin said.

"The owner probably hated us for ordering so much food." Minho laughed.

"Thanks guys for the food!" You thanked them.

As soon as Felix came back from the kitchen with plates and cutlery, everyone jumped on the food to fill up their stomach.

The sun was setting and it was time for Stray Kids to leave to their hotel. You were a bit sad that they had to leave but you knew you would see them again tomorrow. Jisung had added you to the group chat they had so you could communicate at night in case you missed them. After saying that, he nudged you jokingly. You thanked him and they all left. Before closing the door, Chan ruffled your hair.

"See you tomorrow beautiful." He said and winked at you.

Your heart skipped at beat.

"See you tomorrow handsome." You replied making him laugh.

You waved to each other and closed the door.

They had just left and already the group chat was going crazy.

Today was really fun! I can't wait for tomorrow though. The amusement park is going to be awesome!

Hell yeah!

Hyunjin watch your mouth!

Sorry mom :P

I want to eat cotton candy tomorrow!

I heard some amusement parks had cheesecakes on sticks. I want one!

You'll get fat if you keep on eating cheesecake

Stop being mean :(

Let's not forget about Chan and Y/N's punishment tomorrow

Right! Tomorrow's going to be great

Let's make them go on the scariest rides!

Jokes on you I'm not scared of roller coasters

Same thing here. I love them.


We'll think of something to embarass you guys then ??

You laughed at how silly the boys were until you received a private message.

I hope you're ready for tomorrow. The things these guys can come up with sometimes is pretty impressive haha

Oh really? I'll look forward to it then! ;)

What's with that winky face? Haha

You mentally slapped yourself for sending that emoticon.

Sorry about that. Don't mind it haha

Hey hey hey what did I tell you earlier?

Hm..? What?

Stop always apologizing!

Aaaah yeah that..

I'll keep reminding you until you don't do it anymore! ^-^

Alright alright

I'll let you go to sleep since we need a lot of energy for tomorrow. If you can't fall asleep or something you can always text me and I'll make sure to answer :)

Thank you Chan. Go to sleep you too! We'll see each other tomorrow. Goodnight~

Goodnight babygirl

You closed your phone and got ready for bed. Maybe today was the day where you would fall asleep quickly.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2019 ⏰

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