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Soobin puts his jacket on, walking out of his house. He breathes out the cold air as he sniff, taking steps on the snowy street.

It was already November that time, Christmas is near so snow is showing. On April and May, things became a little too odd.

Him and Yeonjun.

Flashback. ..

Soobin was walking beside Yeonjun, they we're holding hands and adoring each other. But their hands got separated.

"M-Mom." A hint of fear was in Yeonjun's voice,  his homophobic mother was in the island. And he knew it's something bad.

"I knew it, you're dating a boy! Don't be a fag like your brother, Yeonjun." She slapped him across his cheek making him almost fall.

Soobin glared at her, "Ma'am I'm sorry but you have no rights to do that." She chuckled and nod at her bodyguards.

The four men obeyed and walk towards the couple, the two grab Yeonjun by the arm as he screamed at his boyfriend. Soobin tried to fight, but the other two gave him bruises like torture.

"Lets go, I knew this island would be a bad place for Yeonjun." His mother said.

"You bitch!" Before the woman even knew, she was on the ground groaning. She looks up and saw an angry Kai who have pushed her too hard.

Yeonjun's mother stands up, "You rascals!"

"Ma'am." Namjoon then stood in front of her, smirking. Taehyung, Jungkook and his other friends were there aswell.
"I'm sorry for interrupting, but you're causing an illegal shit in here. So please leave."

"I'm filthy rich--"

"We didn't asked." Yoongi said rolling his eyes, the woman only smugged and gave Yeonjun and Soobin a look before she left.

Yeonjun ran to his boyfriend, hugging him tightly. "I love you so much."


"Soobin I'm breaking up with you." Yeonjun suddenly said, they we're at the living room. Kai, Taehyun and beomgyu we're shock.


"I said, I'm breaking up with you." Yeonjun repeated again. "Because, I don't even love you. You're boring, I hate you so much."

End of flashback. ..

Soobin only sighed and went to school, he transferred to this school just yesterday and now he's going to know hos dorm.

Walking into the hallway as students stare at him, some are trying to flirt and some are being envy for his height.

Sooobin ignored them, he walk to the principals office. The principal smiled at him, "Soobin, I have expected you. Here's the key to your dorm."

"Thank you ma'am, may I ask if I have a dormate?" Soobin asked as he grab the key from her. She only nodded at him with a smile, Soobin smiled back and left.

He decided to go to his dorm first, since he doesn't have class on first period. He went to the building where the dorms are located.

Soobin used the stairs since he's scared at elevators, he searched for his dorm and found it after a few minutes. He used the key to open the door.

When he opened it, he saw the left side of the room was empty, and the right side has simple decorations on it. He sighed and went in, I forgot to tell but he had a luggage with him.

And he started to fix his things, later on, he heard the door open with someone talking. He turned around and they met.

The both of them froze, "Soobin..."


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