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Yeonjun sighed when be received the text message from Soobin, Guess he's going to have a date with his boyfriend. Yeonjun thought, the jealousy inside hin was already killing him.

He pullef out the spare key of their dorm, he skipped this afternoon classes. If its about Soojun and Soobin, he'll always be on it.

Twisting the door knob open, a smile formed on his lips as he look down at the purring and meowing cat. "Hello there Soojunie, did Soobin left you?"

He closed the door and bent down, gently patting her head. "Its alright,I'm here for you." Yeonjun click his tongue and lift the kitten, placing her on bed.

He never really cared about him still on his uniform,he had cat food on his palm as he see Soojun waddling and ate it.


"I had fun." Soobin softly said, smiling at Yeosang who gave him a small peck on the lips. They're inside the elder's car, just finished their small cute date together.

"I'm glad you did." Both boys went out of the vehicle, Yeosang opening the car door for Soobin like the gentleman he is.

"Thank you, my prince." Soobin giggled, holding into Yeosang's hand.

"As always, my princess." Soobin's smile dissapeared in a glimpse, remebering that pet name Yeonjun would use when they're on a vacation.

The cold winter sky, snowflakes falling down and melting into their skin. "Is there something wrong?" Yeosang asked worriedly.

Soobin finally snapped out of it, smiling again at him. "Nothing, nothing's wrong." Satisfied, Yeosang ruffled the other's hair.

"Want me to convey you to your dorm?" Soobin pursed his lips and shake his head, "I'm good with myself."

"Okay then, I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow it is." Soobin watched Yeosang got inside his car, blowing a kiss before driving away. He blushed and waved until the car dissapeared in sight.

Soobin heaves out a sigh, turning around and making his way inside the dormitory. Walking pass some other dorms,and he finally reached his destination.

He fished the spare key of their shared dorm and opening the door knob successfully. The first thing he saw were a pile of clothing of uniform scattered on the floor.

This made his blood boil, "Yeon-"

"Shh!" He looks up and saw Yeonjun giving him a look, with a soft smile. He glanced beside the boy, Soojun peacefully sleeping.

His heart melted from the beautiful sight, placing his bag down the table and walking towards the snoring kitten. He bent down to see her face, it was indeed cute.

"She's sleeping, be quiet." Yeonjun whispered, Soobin looks up at him and smiled.

That beautiful smile, Yeonjun thought. Smiling along from what he's thinking, Soobin noticed that he's smiling like an idiot.

"What?" He accidentally raised his voice causing the kitten to wake up, both boys panicked on what will they do to keep her asleep and warm.

Soojun meows, her paw brushing over Soobin's hand and to Yeonjun's hair. "I think she wants you behind her." Yeonjun whispered.

Soobin didn't hesistated, he already knew what it means. The elder scooted away from space, Soobin lay down the bed, Soojun in between the two of them.

"Isn't she pretty?" Soobin asks in a low, soft tone.

"You're prettier."

Soobin widened his eyes and looks up at Yeonjun who was smiling painfully, he noticed the dry tear stains on his cheeks. "D-Did you cry?"

Yeonjun heaves out a sigh, "Me and Yuna just broke up."

"I-Im sorry about that."

"Its fine." Yeonjun had tears in his eyes, not because of the break up, but because of Soobin.


1 week later...

"Come one Soojunie, eat up." Soobin's worried and croaked voice was the only one heard inside the dorm, its Saturday and he had classes.

But because of Soojun's weird behaviour, he decided to not go, ofcourse with Yeonjun by his side. Its been a week and Soojun wasn't eating anymore, she got weak that she couldn't even walk properly.

"Yeonjun, he wouldn't eat." Soobin said in a low voice, Soojun in his arms as the kitten let out painful mewls.

"Soojun, come on, eat." Yeonjun said, rubbing his thumb over her small head. The kitten then opened her eyes, meowing and mewling loudly like she's in deep pain.

"Should we take her to the vet?"

"Yes, I think we- Yeonjun." Yeonjun's eyes widened to see the kitten wasn't responding anymore, her eyes closed and her body isn't moving.

"S-Soojun?" Soobin gently shaked her, but she wasn't doung anything. The tears in Soobin's eyes started to fall on every call of the cat's name.

"Y-Yeonjun..she's dead."he began to sob and cry loudly, Yeonjun's heart aching from the scene. He checked the cat, she wasn't breathing anymore.

"Soojun is dead." Soobin cried, Yeonjun shushed him and hugged the boy. He didn't care about his shirt beinh wet because of the younger's tears.


"Hey Junnie, can we talk?" Yuna said, their fourth period just ended and its alreadt lunch break. Yeonjun nodded and followed her up to the rooftop.

Its always empty in there, "What is it, Yuna?"

"You know, Yeonjun. We can stop this, right?" She asked straightforward, Yeonjun already knowing their topic.

"Jun, the way you look at Soobin. Stop trying to hide your own feelings, it'll hurt even more." They both sat down the bench.

"Lets stop this, man up and confess to him." Yuna said, Yeonjun only sighed.

"Yuna, I can't I told you the reason. I don't want to hurt him, when he knew about it he'll just cry." The tears in his eyes were making his sight blurry.

"Yeonjun, just because of that? Love him, be with him while you're still in here."

"Yuna, this isn't a joke-"

"I know, I know that Ischaemic Heart Disease isn't a joke. But please, I know your days are countless, be with him."

"I...I will."

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