Relax - Roger Taylor (BoRhap)

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A/N: It's really short and I'm sorry for that. Be understandable with me. I think I'll maybe write another one with this ask, idk.

Requested? Yes

Request: hey, there! can I get a fluffy Roger Taylor x Reader? maybe he's like super tired after a long day of rehearsal and you help him relax? thanks!

Roger loved to play for Queen, he loved it more than anything in the world. Well, he actually loved you more, but you get the idea. He loved it even if they had to come home tired all the time.

Well, this time wasn't different, he came home a little tense, stressed even. You were sitting on the couch sipping your tea and reading a book when he entered the house, you had a day off so you wanted to stay relaxing.

"Hey babe" He greeted you tiredly.

"Hey, how are you?" You were maybe a little worried. His eyes seemed heavy, but he seemed more stressed than tired.

"I feel like shit." He answered you honestly.

"That's not good." You looked at him sympathetically. "Do you want me to help you? I can fill the bath for you while you try to relax."

"That would be very nice." Roger smiled at you.

You went to your shared bathroom to prepare thing for your husband, you did every little thing you knew he enjoyed. Hot water, some bubbles, some scented candles... Every thing that could help him relax at the maximum.

Soon, Roger entered the bathroom. Naked. Okay, that wasn't fair. Specially when you were on your period.

"See something you like?" He asked smugly.

"Just take your bath already." With a roll of your eyes and a little laugh, you got out of the bathroom so he could relax a little by himself. He needed some time alone.

The married life was really something you never imagine to have, you didn't wanted to get married and have kids, you wanted to be free and travel around the world. But then you met Roger, with those sparkly blue eyes and that damned smile, you simply couldn't resist.

When he first said he loved you you weren't intimate yet, you wanted to wait a little to see where it would go, but Roger saying that he loved you even without the sex? That was hard to ignore. In that moment you knew you would get married and have a lot of kids.

"Babe?" Roger asked you after a while.

"Yes, honey?" You put your book down and got up from the couch.

"My back hurts." He was being a little dramatic so you would do your famous massage.

"Get on the bed, I'll do it." You rolled your eyes again, amused. "You don't need to be dramatic, you just have to ask."

"What's the fun in that?" Roger pouted at you and laid in bed facing the mattress. You sat gently on his legs and started to do what he loved. The massage he requested only when he was super tired.

"Uhm I love you, babe." He moaned with his eyes closed.

"I love you too." You looked at him with a smile. God, you really loved that man.

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