Cats - Freddie Mercury (BoRhap)

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Authors note: I wrote two requests together, I hope you don't mind.

Requests: " Freddie Mercury x reader fluff please?" and " Freddie x reader for adopting a cat together?"

Y/N was a special person, she considered herself really lucky. She was studying what she wanted to study, she was working where she wanted to work and she had some awesome friends. She had everything a girl would want at her age, including an amazing boyfriend. You see, her boyfriend was Freddie fucking Mercury.
That's right. She was dating the lead singer from Queen.
Sometimes that was hard because of all the tours and recording sessions they needed to do and she couldn't go with them because, well, she had a life of her own. Don't get me wrong, it's not like she didn't want to go with Freddie and the guys to all this amazing stuff, but her work at the bank was really hard sometimes and it needed her full attention.
"Will you please come with us today to the recording studio?" Freddie asked for the tenth time that week.
"I'll see what I can do, sugar." She kissed his cheek and then resumed to get dressed for work.
"Sugar?" Freddie hid his laughter with his hand. "Are you from the 40s?"
"Excuse me? I love calling you sugar."
"Right." He got dressed too, she didn't like when he got late for band meetings. "Try to go today, dear."
"I'll try, I promise you!" she smiled. "Will you be able to get lunch with me?"
"Yes. Maybe the boys will join us today though."
"It's okay, I love them." She winked at him and then left the house.
"Hey!" he ran after her to the car. "You love me more, right?"
"Of course I love you more. Don't be ridiculous, love." She started the car and started driving.

"She said that she'll try to watch us record today." Freddie said full of hope in his voice.
"Why is this so important to you, Fred?" Roger crossed his arms and looked at his friend. "It's just a recording session, it's not like you'll ask her to marry you."
"It's important, Roger!" Freddie looked at him like he was some alien or something like that. "I'll ask her something really important today."
"Why don't you take her to a romantic dinner or something and then ask her?" Brian was working on his guitar, not paying full attention to his friends.
"That's actually a good idea." Freddie considered.

"I'm telling you, he's acting strange this last days." Y/N looked at her best friend's face. "Maybe he doesn't want to date me anymore? I mean, I don't have enough time to go on tour and the band meetings and all with him."
"He loves you, Y/n!" Joan looked at her like she was crazy. "For fucks sake, that man does everything for you!"
"Oh, like you don't use that kind of word." Her friend rolled her eyes at her.
"Not at work." She resumed to work. "I'm thinking about asking for vacation, maybe I'll be able to have some time with the band."
Her day at work was only starting and was already difficult. One of her Male colleagues made some mistakes on his work and asked her for help because she had already finished her own work, so now she was working on the others mistakes. Well, she was used to it.
The time passed faster than expected and it soon was lunch time.
"Hello there, boys." Y/N said placing her bag on the table and sitting beside Freddie. "How are you today?" she asked after giving Freddie a kiss.
"Well, we're full of stuff to do. Someone broke his bass." Roger looked impatiently at John.
"It's not my fault." The bassist rolled his eyes at Roger and then looked at Y/N. "There was a freaking mouse at the studio. It was a really rational decision to get up on top of Brian."
"Wait, Brian got you on his shoulders or something?" The girl was confused.
"it's not like I had any choice." Brian looked at his friends. "anyway, he saw the mouse and then threw his bass at it."
"So now you don't have a bass anymore?" She asked John.
"No, I have one at home." He said simply. "I just liked that one better."
They had a great time eating and talking, it was like they haven't seen each other for months, but that's not true, they saw each other every day, they just really liked each others company. They were family.
"Please tell me you can watch us play today." Freddie asked her again while they left the restaurant.
"My boss is being an ass today, but I'll try. I'm actually helping everyone with their mistakes, it's really tiring." Y/N was a little exhausted at this point.
"Well, I'll take you to dinner tonight then." Freddie said smiling. "You look like you need some romantic time with me, so that's what's going to happen."
"Okay then. Dinner." She laughed. "I'll keep that in mind in case I want to murder one of my colleagues so I stop because I can't have dinner with you in jail." She joked.
"You're weird." Roger laughed. "That's why we like you so much." With that the guys started to walk to Roger's car, but Freddie stayed.
"you're going to have a lovely dinner today, and a wonderful night after that because I'm planning everything right now and nothing can go wrong!" Freddie smiled and kissed her. "Have a great day at work. And please be patient."
"You too, sugar." She got to her car and got to work.

"And 3... 2... 1! Let's go!" Freddie started.
Y/N entered the studio in silence and sat down on a couch watching them with a smile on her face.
"Yesss you're here!" Freddie jumped and left the guys behind to go see his girlfriend. "I'm so glad you could come see us."
She kissed his lips lightly and hugged him. "Yeah, and I have a surprise for you!"
"What is it?" He was really excited.
"Wait for our dinner." She winked.
"Let's go then!" he grabbed her hand and started to pull her while running.
"What about the recording session?" she asked while being pulled.
"Go on guys, tomorrow we'll finish everything. Have fun!" Brian waved at them.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Roger winked.
"Not much then." John joked.
"Ha ha ha" Roger said rolling his eyes.
The couple ran to the car to go to a restaurant to have dinner because Freddie simply didn't know how to cook anything.
When they chose a table at the restaurant and ordered their food, Freddie started to talk.
"So, I think we should take our relationship to the next level." He looked at her seriously.
"What do you mean?"
"I think we should adopt a cat together." Freddie had hope in his voice.
"Oh my God, that's perfect! I love it!" she was so happy that it seemed as he asked her to marry him. "Les do that tomorrow, honey."
"I love you so much." He said happily. "I was so afraid you would say no."
"Oh please! I love cats." She smiled. "And I love you too."
"And what you wanted to tell me? What was your surprise?"
"I asked my boss if I could take a little vacation to go with you to some of your concerts of the next tour." She was hiding her smile.
"What did he say?" Freddie was worried.
"He said yes!" She laughed at his reaction. He stared at her like it was all a dream.
"Is this the real life?" He stared at her.
"Well, last time I checked it was." Y/n laughed again. "I'll finally go with you on tour! I'm so happy!"
They were so happy that when they got home they just got to bed and couldn't sleep, they stayed awake talking. And in the next day they adopted a little cat, they named it Galileo. They found the name funny because Roger didn't even know who that was.

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