Amusement Park - Brian May (BoRhap)

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Authors note: I really hope you like it. It's a little short.

Request: Hello! I'm also currently obsessed with BO Rhap so I was wondering if I could get a Protective!Brian x reader. He's so sweet and calm usually unless someone messes with his girl.

Being Brian May's girlfriend was exciting. He was really sweet and calm. Sometimes he got a little protective of you, but you really liked it. He wasn't the kind of aggressive possessive person, he was just protective. Brian was part of a band and you really liked it, his friends were like family, you were all a big family.

You really liked to go out with Brian, to go on dates with him and stuff like that because even if you were dating for a long time it still seemed to be a new relationship. You didn't let that flame die.

There was a new amusement park that you really wanted to go, you loved that kind of stuff and Brian was more than happy to take you there.

"Where do you wanna go first?" he asked while you walked to the entrance hand in hand.

"I want to go to the Roller coaster. Maybe the ferris wheel, but I'm not so sure about that." You were really excited for this, you liked amusement parks since you were a little kid. Your parents used to take you to amusement parks all the time back then, just the thought of the smell of all that cotton candy and hearing all the children laughing made you smile, made you softer.

"Let's go then, sweetheart. " you smiled at the pet name.

"Hurry up please." You were laughing and dragging him to the entrance. "I want to see the Carousel!"

Brian really loved when you got all happy and excited for something, it made him feel so happy too.

You wanted to ride the Roller coaster, you loved the roller coaster. And Brian was more than happy to take you there. The first time you rode a roller coaster with him was really funny because he was so nervous and frightened about the height you just needed to laugh. That was your first date.

You were dating for 3 years now, it seemed that every day you loved him more and more, even if he had to go on tour he Invited you to go with them, he'd take you on dates wherever they are playing and you loved it.

"Do you want to go to the roller coaster or the carousel first?" he asked as soon as you walked in.

"The Roller coaster. I know you hate the carousel, babe."

"But you're always so happy that I really don't mind watching you at the carousel." He kissed you cheek sweetly. "Let's go to the roller coaster and then we can go buy some cotton candy and go to the carousel. What do you think?"

"Sounds like a plan!" you smiled and then started to run to the roller coaster.

"How's your cotton candy?" he asked holding your hand while you walked to the carousel.

"Sweet." You laughed. "You don't need to ride it if you don't want to."

"But you like it so much, love."

"I know, but I can go alone if you want me to." You were finishing your cotton candy when you got there.

And that's what happened, you got to ride the carousel and he stayed there taking photos of you with the camera he had taken to the park. You were having such a good time.

"Hey sweetie, you want to ride the Ferris wheel with me?" some guy asked when you got out of the ride. Maybe he haven't seen you with Brian... it can happen, right?

"Excuse me?"

"Do you want to ride the ferris wheel with me?" he repeated smiling creepily at you.

"Back off, mate." Brian was serious this time.

"Who do you think you are, man? She's flirting with me since she got here." The guy looked at Brian.

"No, she's not. You know why, mate?" Brian got closer and his face was getting darker. "Because she is my girl."

"It's not worth it, Bri. Let's go!" you tried to get him out of there.

"No, he needs to learn that no one treats you like that." He was really mad at the guy.

"Bri, forget that. Let's go, please." You pulled him by the hand and he started to walk with you, but not before hugging you possessively.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you uncomfortable." You could see he was really sad about that.

"Its okay, babe. He was being an idiot." You smiled. "Why don't you get me a teddy bear and I'll think about that?"

He laughed and tried really hard to win a teddy bear for you. He won when he was almost giving up. "Here you go, love."

You hugged the teddy bear "I loved it!"

"And I love you." He kissed you sweetly.

"I love you too, babe." You said before you exited the park.

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