Part 8

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Back with a new part of this .....
Let's start then 😁😁😁😁😁

Swara went for freshening up ... Shomi comes in her room for calling her for dinner ...
Shomi - shona come fast baby dinner is ready ...
SWA ( from bathroom) - yehh maaa ... Coming in few mins .
Just then swara's phone starts ringing ..
SWA - maa pick up na ... And tell that I will call back ...
Shomi - ohkk ...
Shomi picked up the call and she got froze hearing the voice ..
O.p - princess ....
Shomi - raj ... 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱
Raj got shocked hearing shomi's voice ...
Raj - sharmishtha ...
Shomi - haa raj ...
Raj - Woh shona .. I mean swara ..
Shomi - she went for freshening up .. When she will come I will tell her to call uh ...
Raj - haa ohkk .. No problem ..
Both kept the call awkwardly ... 😐😐😐
Shomi came out of the room and came in dining hall ..
Swara and dida also came ... All sat on the table and were having dinner ... Swara and dida were pulling each others legs ...  Small nok jhok was going on ...
Dida - shomi .. Why r u silent ???
Swara - yehh mom ... Is the dinner not nice ... U only made na .. 😉😉😉
Shomi - u had a call few mins before ..
SWA - yehh .
Shomi - it was from raj 😶😶😶
Swara and dida both were shocked listening this ...
SWA - ohk .. What he said ...
Shomi - he told to call him back ....
SWA - ohk .. 😐😐😐
Shomi ,- from when r u in contact with him ...
SWA - from childhood ... He never left my side ...
Shomi - ma did uh know about this ??
Dida  - yeh I knew ....
Shomi - Hm ...
SWA - ma r u angry that I didn't tell uh ...
Shomi - no I m not ... It is between u and him .. I m no one to come in between u and him ...
SWA - maa will u marry raj papa ??
Shomi was completely shocked hearing her this statement ..
Shomi - what ??😱😱😱😱  r u mad swara ... What r u speaking ...
Dida  - what wrong did she said ... She is correct ...
Shomi - ma u also ...
SWA - maa plz understand ... I mean u need someone who treats uh with respect and loves uh immensely ... And plz that shekhar gadodia doesn't deserves that .... And maa raj papa still loves uh ... He never married after uh left .... And u know raj papa ... He is a gudd nope not gud but best person as a father ...
Dida  - shoru is right .... U left him .. I didn't said u anything but now I want u to think on this .... It will be better ... Like that also I hated that shekhar from Beginning only ..
Shomi - ma but ....
Seeing the pleading eyes of shona and glares of dida ....
Shomi - ohk I will think ....
Swara shouted happily ...
SWA - yehhh .... I love uh mom ... Between I have a gudd news for uh all
Shomi - what ??
SWA - I m performing in a concert with my band ...
Both listening this broke into a smile ....
Shomi - so gud swara .... Its nice ... Finally back on to ur self ....
SWA - yehhhh ... And I m. Not gonna divorce sanskar ... Nor leave him .... I m gonna woo him ...
Dida - nd  this is my granddaughter .... Don't worry every problem will be solved .... I trust uh ... Ur both love is not that weak that of will get broken by some mere sign ...
Shomi  - yeah swara ... And I m there always with uh ....

Like this all three of them spent a gala night enjoying teasing , and laughing with each other .... And then went in room to sleep

Here raj was tensed as he thought maybe shomi would not like that he is talking with swara ... So he called swara ......
Raj - hello princess ...
SWA - yeh papa
Raj - Woh .., that shomi ....
SWA - darling chill .... She said nothing ..
Raj - nothing ?????? 😰😰😰😰😰
SWA - yeah ... She just asked from when did I knew uh and I replied that u never left meh alone ..... And guess what ...
Raj - what ????
SWA (excitedly) - she is gonna think about urs and her remarriage ...
Raj hearing this was completely shocked ....
Raj - what r u speaking swara ... How could uh do this ... U know na she doesn't love meh and above that I even don't know whether she is ready for all this by divorcing shekhar ... I mean try and understand bacha ...
SWA - oho dad ... Be calm and cool ... She already said yes for divorce ...
Raj - how uh made her ready ???
SWA - Woh when I came home na .......
And she said everything about what happened and how shekhar insulted and said what not ....
Hearing this raj got very angry ...
Rah - how dare that man ... This time he crossed limit ... Its too much .... I was silent just because of shomi .... Now its high time .... He really needs a lesson ... Just wait what I do tomorrow ....
SWA - haa I mean can uh ask lawyer if divorce papers r ready or not ....
Raj - it r already ready  .... Don't worry I will bring it myself tomorrow .....
SWA - ohkkkk no problem .... Come ....
Raj - yeahh now sleep ohk .. Tomorrow u have a big day ..... All the best .... Actually u r gonna rock only but still
SWA - yehhhh 😁😁😁😁😁 thankss ..
Both kept the call with a smile hoping that the next day be a best one cause it is gonna be a big day ....


Well this was for today .... I know it is a small update but I m busy with my studies as my neet is coming closer ... Next update will be somewhat late .....
I hope uh will like this part
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