Part 6

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Heyy guys back with a new part ....
Let's start the part .. . 😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

Swara and raj was coming from office when suddenly swara noticed something on road side .... She asked the driver to stop the car ...
Raj - what happened shona ???
SWA - nothing just coming in 5 mins ... U wait ....
Swara went outside and came after few mins ... She sat in the car ...
Raj - now will uh care to tell what was that ...
SWA - nothing papa .... It was just related to some issues which I will clear in few days ... U don't worry I will tell u on detail afterwards ... 😊😊😊 trust meh
Raj - I trust uh more than myself ... Uh know that I love uh loads ... Ohk so never say this that plz trust meh .. I m not that spineless ... Leave its not worth to discuss also ...

Both were talking and laughing a lot .. Both were happy a lot ... After all what a daughter need is a father who trusts her rather than society or other ....
Both reached badi ... Swara left for her home and raj too drove from there as he didn't wanted shomi to see him ... Maybe old things will worse the situation ...

Shekhar saw swara coming ... Seeing her smiling face he was disgusted ...
She - huh uh came ....

Swara was startled hearing voice. ... She turned and saw an angry shekhar ... Seeing the look on his face she got to know that there is something unpleasant coming on her way ....

SWA - no actually I walked from the entrance ..
She - How dare uh to talk with me on this tone ...

Hearing this loud tone even shomi and dadi came out of the house ... Dadi came to talk with shekhae and of course to see the entertainment 😐😐😐 ... But she don't know that swara is a tigress ...😁😁😁😁

SWA - I talked with my mouth and I think every human being talks with mouth only .. And there is no dare like thing .. Its just natural ...
She - is this urs manners to talk with elders ...
Shomi - shekhar .. Why r u talking like this with shona ..
She - then how should I talk with ur shona ... This girl is really a headache ...
Shomi - ( bring shocked ) shekhar ... 😱😱😱
SWA - now what did I do ... 😕😕😕😕
She - u r behaving like uh don't know anything ...
SWA - no I don't know that's why I m asking uh .. Care to tell meh ...
She - swara ...... How dare uh to talk and hurt my ragu ...
SWA ( suddenly realised about her afternoon talk ) - ohh that ... Its nothing so stress taking talk ... It was all ur daughters fault that she was disturbing me in my work ... Now o m not like ur ragu na ... Who lives her life on others hardwork ... I have my own identity after all ...
Dadi - ayee bangalan ...
SWA - behave Mrs gadodia .... Don't u dare to talk with me like this ... Otherwise I promise I will be showing u and ur lovely laado a mini hell ... Never dare to cross me .... After all I m not a girl to be messed with me ..
Shekhar was going to slap her but swara caught his hand in mid ...
SWA - don't .. U don't have this right on me ... And I don't need to give u any kind of justification of my acts .... Mind ur own business ... U r none to tell me what should I do and what not ... Get that ...
Saying this she left his hand and hold shomi' s hand and took her in Bose house ...
Shekhar left to his house in anger with dadi yelling at his back ... One person saw this and left from there towards Bose house ....

Swara came in house and sat on sofa .... Shomi brought a glass of water and sat beside her ... Swara drank water and kept glass on table ....
Shomi ( full of concern and love ) - shona ...
Swara saw her and started crying hugging her ....
SWA - why ma ... Why does he always do this with me ... AM I not his daughter ... Why do I need to give a proof of my doings ... He trusts ragini easily ... Then why not me .. Maa I hate him .... He never says anything for ragini' s misdeeds ... AM I that bad ...
Shomi - nope .. U r not bad .. Its just that he is spineless ... He doesn't deserve us actually ... And my daughter is not weak that she will cry for such man ... Huh ...
Swara smiled a little hearing her mother's words ...
SWA - maa do u love me ...
Shomi - no ...
SWA 😶😶😶😶
Shomi - is this a question to ask Baccha ... U r my life ... If I m alive na today ... Its just because u were there .... So how come I will not love u ...
SWA - will u do something if I ask u to ...
Shomi - of course yes ... Just ask ...
SWA - maa will u divorce that man ....
Shomi - with all my pleasure baby ... After all he doesn't deserve us ... If for him his ragini is great then let it be... I don't care for him. If that's what u want then let this divorce happen ....

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