Part 16

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Hey guys back with the chapter .... I know i m late but I was busy in exams .... My terms finished now only and I have got holidays now so again back with a new part ..
Let's start the part without any bak Bak of mine .....

Badi :
It was morning.... On terrace every person was sleeping in their Love's arms .... All had a content smile on their faces .. why not ... Afterall 😘 it was a night without any stress or tension ....

Our love birds were tightly holding each other .... Feeling the solace of each other....

But seeing this lovely scene the ultimate mighty person of the universe could not digest it ... So it started disturbing all of them by shining brightly ...

( Of course it was our sun 🌞 uncle 😁)

Swara was hiding her face more in his neck which Disturbed our hero's sleep ... He slowly opened his eyes and saw that sun was smirking .... Sanskar made faces and turned his face and saw the beautiful scene where his love was sleeping cutely .... He smiled seeing her ... He slightly peck her lips ....

She slowly opened her eyes and seeing sanskar staring her blushed and suddenly seeing the surroundings got up breaking sanskar's staring session .....

She saw everyone was sleeping on the terrace itself .... She shooked her head ... She was about to get up but sanskar pulled her on him and she fell on him .... He was staring her intensely .... Seeing his gaze she blushed .... She tried to get out of his grip but he tightened his hold ...

San - don't even try .... 😉😉😉

Swa - sanskar... Plzz ...

San- what ..... See every one is sleeping ... Uh too come near me ...

Swa - sanskar we have to go to office and in evening party is there ... Plzzz ...

San- I don't care ... I m the boss .. if I go one day late ... It's fine ... let's sleep together for more time ...

Swa - sanskar plzzzz get up na...

San - how unromantic Mrs maheshwari

Swa- Mr maheshwari .. my romantic side o will show uh after tonight .... Now get up ....

San - Ohhh is it like this then ... I would love to explore that side .... 😍😍😍

Swa - 🙈🙈🙈🙈 mad ... Get up ...

Saying swara came out of his grip and got up ....

Swara shouted loudly - guysssssss ......

Everyone literally opened there eyes in fear ..... 😨😨😨😨😨😨

Cabir - r uh mad ... Who shouts like this ..... 😡😡😡😡😡😡

Manik- Shona .... Yaar this is not done ... 😑😑😑😑😑😑

Swa - sholly guys .....but get up every one .. we have a great day ahead ... 😁😁😁😁.... Come on get up now ....

All reluctantly got up and got freshen up ..  😫😫😫😫😫

Then everyone went to their work after breakfast and enjoying again little bit with everyone .....

It was soon evening .... Ragini was heavily decked up for the party ..... Even Dadi was decked up .....

Everyone was there ..... Swara and her gang was also present ... Swara was smirking seeing this all ....

Sanskar was seeing swara and said in mind -she is seriously up to something great .... And ohhh god ... 😍😍😍😍😍 Her looks will seriously kill me some day ..... Hayyyy my princess 💘💘💖💖💖

Sanskar (small voice ) - Mrs maheshwari .... U r looking so sexy ....

Swara blushed a little but composing herself spoke - Mr. Maheshwari ...

Thanks for the compliment 😁😁.....

And I will look only after  all I m born sexy .... And I must say uh r not looking less ha .... U r looking so cute ha .....

Hearing this sanskar frowned a bit

San - cute ???

Swa - yeh .. u r looking so cutee ...

San - oh hello .. I m not cute .. if uh want uh can call me hot handsome sexy guy .... 🔥🔥🔥

Swa - but Mr maheshwari for meh u r looking cute and I will call uh by that only ... Cute , sweet , little boi ... 😘😘😘😘

Before sanskar could say anything there was announcement from about the program beginning in few mins ..

Swa - now concentrate ...

San - yeh... But after this program I will show uh what sanskar maheshwari exactly is ...... and yeah I Will teach uh how to compliment a guy ....

Swa - yeh... Sure ... We will see ..... 😎😎😎😎😎

He shook  his head ... And saw ahead ....
There were some performances .....
Then ragini came forward ... She was smirking but she didn't knew her life is going to change in few minutes ....

Ragini called a woman who had a veil on her head ....
Ragini - so it's a great day ...
Swara who was standing with sanskar said -of course girl .... 😏😏😏
Ragini glared her but continued to speak - so today I want to tell a very old secret .....
Swa - but I wanna hear new one ... Old is old after all ..
Cabir laughed hearing her ..... But rest others smile slightly ...
Rag - stop speaking in middle .... Uh don't have any right to interrupt me ...
Swa - but babes I m not interrupting uh ... I m talking with my husband ... If it's disturbing uh then plz uh may leave .... I don't mind at all ...
Sanskar was like ohhh woah cool love ..

Rag - so this secret is about a person who killed an innocent girl and due to being rich he hidden this news from the world... And that innocent girl lost her life .. He didn't even cared about her life ...
People started murmuring amongst each other ..... Dp was standing bowing down his head ....
Sanskar and laksh were seeing towards raging in anger ... Sujata was cursing her in mind ....
Swa - ohh is it ... What proof uh have ....
Rag - I have proofs too .... But let me announce the person's name first .....
Swara interrupted her - babes ... World needs proof first ..... And how do uh know ... We're uh there ...
Rag - I was not there but I have complete proofs ... And I will show today ....
Swa - ohh then no worries ... Go ahead

Just then a voice was heard - yehh plzzz .... Even I would love to see what r those ... 

Ever saw towards the source ....
All mm people were shocked seeing the person who was standing on stairs .....
But our swara was smirking .....
Ragini and Dadi we're confused seeing the person ...
But the person who was is veil was utterly shocked hearing the voice .... She lifted her veil to see the person and got completely shocked and was fearing ...
Everyone's trance was broken by sujata's voice - jiji ghost 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱

Sanskar could only utter -

Kavita !!!!!

This was for this part ..
I know it's a small one ... But i have came home for holidays and I couldn't write ...

Buy plzzz guys vote and comment...

Next part I will try to post as I get some time ..

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