Chapter 6 ~ This Is Your Hero Academia

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After the time was up and the exam was over, Tana untied the rope for the two that almost got themselves killed. They thanked her for saving their lives and that it was manly of her. Which she found it surprising and told them that it was nothing. She just wants to help because that's what heroes do. The boy nodded and introduced themselves,

"The names Ejiro Kirishima!"

"I am Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu!"

"Tana Atsuko. Call me Tana. Nice to meet ya. I hope you guys pass this exam."


"Well I gotta go! I hope to see you guys again!"

"Same here!"

"See ya!"

They waved at her as she waved back.

She walked out of the entrance and packed her stuff to head home but waited for Murph to come. Tana doesn't know how many points she got but hopefully she did pass and that rescuing the two boys was part of the hero exam. As she was waiting, she heard footsteps and turned to see her sister heading towards her.

"How did you do?"


"Huh?? What happened?" she asked feeling worried.


"That doesn't sound like nothing. Tell me."

"No, you."

"Yes, you."

"No, you."

"Yes, infinity."


Murph walks away with a blank glare, turned to her heels and walked away.

"Well that was weird...:" Tana narrowed one way with a confused look.

Tana and Murph went home not saying anything. Tana doesn't want to force her to talk and just give her some space. They were not outside of the door as they were about to open when they got themselves engulfed into a big hug by their parents.

"Tana!! Murph!!"

They both paled by their sudden outburst.

"How did you guys do?!"

"We did just fine. It was actually a wonderful experience that we ever have."

"Oh that's great honey! We will cook you guys your favorite dinner! We'll let you know when the food is ready and the letter from U.A. comes." their mom said.

"Thank you." Tana smiled.

"Thanks.." Murph replied with a blank stare still.

They both head upstairs to their own room. They had never done any things in their entire life which is for Murph standing up to the curly haired boy with freckles which she finds him cute still. Tana rescuing the two boys from getting squashed by the ginormous robot with no fear or hesitation. They were so lost in their thoughts that they didn't hear footsteps and the door was suddenly broken down by their parents.

"TANA!!" dad came into Tana's room with the letter in his hand.

"MURPH!!" mom came into Murph's room with the letter also in her hand.

They both jumped catching off guard.

"The letter from U.A.! From U.A.!!" they both cried out at the same time.

The girls took the letter from their parents and closed the door.

In Tana's room, she was hesitant for a moment feeling nervous. She was worried that she couldn't pass but she just opened it to reveal the mic. The hologram lighted up and she could see All Might in it.

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