Chapter 21 ~ U.A. Sports Festival Announcement

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"No way! You guys run into those gangsters?!" Hagakure gasped.

"Yeah! It was pretty scary. But we manage to beat them up." Kaminari said.

"Are you sure? That story must be made up. Are you saying that just to impress the girls?" Jiro asked him feeling amused.

"What? No it's true!"

"It's true alright. We nearly got ourselves killed but thanks to Murph we would have got shot by those guns." Kirishima said.

"Y-you don't..have to praise what I have to and..."

Murph hides herself curling herself into a ball while she was still seated.

"She turned into a ball!!"

"Everyone listen! It's time for this morning's home period. Take a seat!"

Iida stood behind the teacher's desk as he ordered them with his hands spread out.

"We're already in our seats except you. You are the only one standing." pointed out Sero making him lose his composure.

"Dang it!!" wailed Iida as he grudely sit down.

"Don't worry about it." smiled Uraraka.

"Oh did you guys watch the news last night?" asked Hagakure.


"Oh yeah that."

"But man, all the channels made a big deal out of it! We're almost like famous!"

Kaminari folded his arms behind his head leaning back against his chair.

"I was surprised."

"You said it, Kirishima."

"Don't get full of yourselves." said Jiro looking unimpressed.

"Who knows what would have happened if the teachers didn't come to save us." said Sero which made Murph shook in fear.

"Don't say that, Sero! Just thinking about it is making me wet myself!" wailed Mineta moving his fists around.

Murph at once agreed with him.

"Shut up! Get a hold yourself, scum!" Bakugou exploded, scaring Deku and Mineta.

"So Tsu, who's gonna teach homeroom today?" asked Mina.

"Don't know." Tsu placed her finger against her cheek thinking. "Aizawa-sensei is still in the hospital recovering from his injuries."

Just then the door slide open as they thought there will be a substitute teacher and boy were they wrong. Aizawa was here covered in bandages on his face and both arms that is hanging on both sides making him look like a mummy.

"Morning." deadpanned Aizawa.

"Mr. Aizawa, you're back too soon!"

"You're too much of a pro!"

"So are you alright, Mr. Aizawa?"

"You call that alright?"

"My well-being doesn't matter. More importantly, the fight isn't over yet." Aizawa said.


"Don't tell me.."

"Villains again..?!"

"U.A. Sports Festival is drawing near."


"Wait wait wait!" exclaimed Kaminari squishing Kirishima's face to stop his excitement.

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