Chapter 1

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(F/N) could not imagine a more fulfilling job than working at the zoo. She loved talking for hours about koalas, and seeing the children's faces light up during the elephant show.

Given her career, children were the majority of her audience, but there was one outlier: a tall, somewhat intimidating-looking man who was always dressed in a red and black kimono and a baggy blue hat. He would appear at the zoo about once a month, and nobody knew who he was. (F/N)'s self-proclaimed mission in life was to talk to this man at least once, and find out who exactly he was.

It was the peak of the afternoon, and (F/N) was seeking shelter from the not sun in the Australia building. Just like clockwork, there he was, staring longingly at a sleeping koala.

"His name is Irwin," (F/N) explained, walking over to him. "You can tell—"

"You can tell him apart from the others because half of his ear is missing," the man interrupted her. "I remember it from one of the talks you gave in the amphitheater."

(F/N) flinched. " remember me?"

"Of course." He turned towards her. "Your name is (L/N) (F/N), correct? You give talks for the Australia Building, and sometimes help with the Elephant Show."

(F/N) nodded. "That's right. I'm in charge of the koala breeding project right now, but I used to work with Elephants. I'm sorry if I was rude before. I'm just surprised you remembered who I was."

"Of course I remember. I remember everything I deem as being of importance."

And I'm important?

The thought made (F/N) blush, and she immediately turned to the koala enclosure to stabilize herself. She wanted to know about the mysterious regular, and she was going to learn something one way or another.

"I see you here a lot," she said, "do you like animals?"

"Yes, I do."

"Do you work with them?" In all honesty.

"Sometimes." He took out a pocket watch, opening it. "Speaking of my work, I need to be getting back. Thank you for your time."

With that, he bowed and walked off, leaving (F/N) thoroughly confused.

What an odd man.

She turned back to the koalas, and tilted her head.

What should I do to get his attention next?


The next time she saw the strange man was two weeks later. (F/N) once again saw him in front of the koala enclosure, and walked up to him, hands clasped behind her back. He turned to her, and bowed in greeting.

"Good afternoon."

(F/N) returned the bow. "Good afternoon. I see you're looking at the koalas again."

"Yes." He turned back to the enclosure, and she watched as he did a mental headcount. "Where is Hina? She wasn't here the last time, either."

Hina was one of their female koalas. (F/N) wasn't particularly surprised he could recognize her, or that he noticed she was missing.

"Hina had a baby," (F/N) answered. "The two of them have been separated from the others for a few months now."

His eyes widened a fraction. "A baby koala? Come to think of it, you did mention a breeding program."

(F/N) smiled. "You really like koalas, don't you?"

"Yes. I like them very much. They look so...huggable..."

(F/N) chuckled, and took a couple steps towards the exit.

"I have something I want to show you, but first, I've noticed you know my name, and I don't know yours."

"Right. I apologize. My name is Hozuki."

"Well, Hozuki-san, come this way, please."

She grabbed his hand, and pulled him out of the Australia Building. To her surprise, he followed her all the way to the white-tiled Research Building. Standing at the door, (F/N) glanced left and right, and unlocked it. She then led him to a back room, and put a finger to her lips.

"Be quiet and don't touch anything."

She opened the door.

The inside was filled with fake trees and other climbing equipment. Bunches of eucalyptus leaves were hung on clips, and there was a fat mother koala munching on them.

The man gasped. "This is..."

(F/N) nodded, slipping on a pair of gloves. "This is Hina, and her baby is..." (F/N) lifted her up slightly so he could see the baby koala head poking out of its pouch.

"Are you sure this is okay?" Hozuki asked.

"I'm the head of the koala breeding project," (F/N) answered, "so it's really my call. Hina is social, and the baby is used to people, so they won't get stressed as long as you're quiet. This is a one-time thing though, and I'm only doing it because you're a regular. Now get over here and look at the baby. He's just getting his fur in."

Hozuki bowed deeply. "Thank you very much."

"We haven't thought of a name yet," (F/N) continued, "We're thinking either of Soichiro or Mr. Fluffybutt the Third."

"Definitely the second one."

Sacrifice--Hozuki x Reader (Hoozuki no Reitetsu)Where stories live. Discover now