Chapter 14

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After the incident at the market, Hakutaku didn't visit (F/N) again. For that, she was grateful. His optimism was annoying, and she wanted nothing more than to be able to mope in peace. Or, maybe, for Hozuki to magically forgive her, but there was no chance of that happening, right?

It had been a long time  since she'd last seen Hozuki. In that time, she hadn't left her bed. She was planning to stay that way for the rest of eternity, only for a knock on the door to interrupt her plans. She rolled over, and pulled the blankets over her head, hoping it would go away, but the knocking continued, growing more persistent until she thought the door might break.

Accepting she wasn't going to get to sleep until the person left, she dragged herself out of bed, taking all her blankets with her. It wasn't like it was going to be anyone important, and if it was Hakutaku, they would be useful for smothering him.

As she was thinking that, she opened the door to find herself face-to-face with Hozuki.

Oh, so he's finally come here to kill me.

A part of her wanted to close the door and hide, but a much bigger part of her wanted to stay put, and accept whatever punishment he thought she deserved, so that's what she did—she stood there, and waited for him to speak.

"Can I come in?" he asked.

She hesitated. Why would he ask to come in if he was going to torture her? Why even bother knocking on the door? She almost asked, but instead, she just nodded, and stepped aside so he could step into the foyer.

He took his shoes off, and turned to her with his arms crossed.

"I'm sure you understand I'm absolutely furious with you."

She nodded, her gaze trailing to the ground. This was where she died—again.

"I am, however, willing to forgive you under one condition."

Her head snapped up. It sounded too good to be true—it probably was, but she couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope.

His expression, however, was grim as always.

"Please understand I am not willing to let you off too easily. You will still have to endure punishment."

Of course it would go like this.

"Um...okay," she forced a nod. "I'm willing to do whatever it takes.

She screwed her eyes shut, ready to be hit, or branded, or smacked with that club he always carried, but instead, he pulled a giant cauldron out of nowhere.

"You will have to eat a whole pot of my homemade brain tissue miso soup."

"What the ever loving hell, Hozuki?"


(F/N) hesitantly glanced at Hozuki from across the table. While it was sometimes hard to tell, to her, at least, he seemed relaxed. Maybe this would work. Maybe there was still a chance.

"Whose brain is this?" She asked as she spooned the last remains of the soup into a bowl.

"You don't want to know," Hozuki replied.

(F/N) wrinkled her nose. "It's...not Hakutaku-sama's, right?"

"No, but you've just given me an excellent idea—"

"Don't!" (F/N) picked up the bowl, and chugged the rest of it in one gulp. "There! I'm done! Happy now?"

"Extremely. Now tell me, how did you like it?"

(F/N) hesitated a moment. Was this a trick question?

"It had a strange flavor and texture," she answered, "but it wasn't bad, I suppose."

"Good. I'm glad we have similar tastes."

(F/N) chuckled. "We really don't, but I love you, anyway."

Hozuki stared at her.

"That's the first time you've actually told me you love me."

He said it in a matter-of-fact tone, but there was something hidden in his expression....excitement? Joy? That told (F/N) he was happy.

"I...I didn't realize..." she mumbled, already regretting opening her mouth. "I...I guess I've thought it so many times, I..."

Hozuki reached out, and gently brushed a lock of hair out of her face, his fingers barely a whisper against her cheek.

"(F/N)," he said, "can I kiss you?"

"Um—I—um..." Her face burned bright red. Meanwhile, Hozuki watched her with an irritatingly calm expression on his face.

(F/N) clenched her fists, and forced the words out.

"Just—just kiss me already!"

So Hozuki leaned across the table, and kissed her.

Author's Note: Hi, everyone! I'm afraid this will be the last chapter of this book. I'm going to take a break from Hoozuki no Reitetsu fanfiction for a while, but I do plan to return to it, because this anime needs a lot more love! Thank you for reading, and I hope you enjoyed this story!

-Marguerite Partello

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