Chapter 8

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"Sooo..." Hakutaku said as (F/N) tried to sneak out the back door. "Care to explain?"

Momotaro stood behind him with a rabbit in his arms, staring at her curiously. (F/N) sighed. She wasn't going to get out of this one.

"I've known Hozuki-kun since I was alive," she told them. "I was a zookeeper, remember? And—"

"That's actually all we need to know," Momotaro said.

Hakutaku nodded. "It's pretty obvious that was how you met, really."

(F/N) sighed. "Is he that predictable? Anyway, he asked me out, and we went on our first date...then I died, and..."

She trailed off. How should she even explain this? Would Hakutaku even keep the secret?

To her surprise, the divine beast didn't press her. He simply draped an arm around her shoulders, and led her back to the front.

"Let's return to the shop, shall we?" he said. "I'll make you something to calm your nerves."


Several minutes later, (F/N) sat in the shop with a warm cup of tea in her hands. Even the aroma made her muscles relax. The only thing keeping her tense was Hakutaku and Momotaro, each sitting in a chair in front of her with their eyes wide.

I'm really not getting out of this one, am I?

"Do either of you..." she began, "know how Hozuki-kun died?"

Momotaro's eyes widened. "Wait, Hozuki-sama was a human?"

"I knew he was human..." Hakutaku murmured, "but I don't think I know how he died. Either that, or I forgot."

"So, is the fact that he's dead bothering you?" Momotaro asked. "Is that why you acted so strangely back there?"

(F/N) shook her head. "'s something else. When I died, I got the memories of one of my previous lives back, and—"

"You got them back so soon?" Hakutaku exclaimed. "It usually takes at least three months."

(F/N) blinked. "Wait, seriously?"

"Yeah, they don't return right away...unless there was some sort of trauma."

Momotaro nodded in understanding. (F/N), however, shook her head.

"No, I'd already figured out most of that myself. I'm more surprised you actually know something."

(F/N) got the distinct impression Hakutaku would have strangled her if it wasn't for her cute face.

"The thing is..." she continued, "I got the memories of one of my previous lives back, and in it...I was responsible for Hozuki-kun's death."

Both of them stared at her. Neither one said anything.

"That's why I need to reincarnate right away," she explained. "It was fun. See you guys next time."

She stood up, ready to leave, when Hakutaku grabbed her wrist.

"Wait, no!"

She sighed. What more could he possibly want?

"If you keep running, things will never get any better!" he insisted. "You need to come up with some kind of plan, and face things head-on!"

"Wow, Hakutaku-sama," Momotaro said, "that was very wise. I guess you aren't a divine beast for nothing."

"And the plan is..." he paused for dramatic effect, "just don't tell him."


If (F/N) had half Hozuki's strength and self-confidence, she would have hit him.

"How is that going to help anything?" she demanded.

"It helps everything!" he insisted. "This way, he doesn't find out, and you avoid certain eternal torture! Then you can get married and have lots of demonic babies or whatever it was you planned to do before you died."

This time, (F/N) did slap him.

"Even if that did work, it won't change the way I feel! I feel horrible!"

"What for?" Hakutaku asked. "I'm sure whatever happened to him, he deserved it!"

"He was eight."

Hakutaku froze.

"I was also eight."

"I'm getting lost as to what exactly happened," Momotaro chimed in, "but if you were that young, I'm sure whatever happened wasn't your fault, and you've changed a lot. You shouldn't feel bad about what happened several thousand years ago in another lifetime."

She turned to him. "Do you think Hozuki-kun would forgive me?"

He froze. "Um..."

"Listen," Hakutaku said, "I promise it'll work out, so at least try it, okay? You can always reincarnate if something happens."

For once, he was actually right. If anything bad happened, she could reincarnate, and it would all be over.

"Okay..." she murmured, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try."

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