Chapter 9

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(F/N) accepted Hozuki's offer of a tour of Hell. After all, it would be nice to see where he worked. What (F/N) had not realized was that a tour of Hell would involve so many people. There she stood in the Offices of Enma, hiding behind Hozuki's back as she was introduced to a hoard of new faces, all of whom stared at her as if she were some sort of exotic animal.

"She's real!" exclaimed a small, fluffy-headed oni.

An equally small brown-haired oni proceeded to hit him on the head. "Don't say stuff like that out loud!"

"Welcome, (F/N)-chan," said King Enma. "I hope..." he trailed off. "(F/N)-chan, are you okay?"

(F/N) tiptoed further behind Hozuki's back. King Enma was enormous, and no matter how kindly he smiled, she couldn't help but find him intimidating.

"She's anxious around new people," Hozuki explained to the others. "Shiro-san, can I see you for a moment?"

A fluffy white dog trotted up to them, and (F/N)'s eyes went wide.

"You wanted to see me, Hozuki-sama?" the dog said.

"A talking puppy!"

(F/N) darted out from behind Hozuki's back, and attacked the dog with belly rubs.

"We have many animal employees in Hell," Hozuki explained to her. "This is Shiro-san. He used to be a companion of Momotaro-san."

(F/N) completely ignored him, and continued rubbing Shiro's belly.

"You are so cute!" she cooed.

"Shiro-san," Hozuki said, "(F/N)-chan feels much more comfortable around animals. Would you stay with her for the rest of the day?"

Shiro was too high on belly rubs to respond, but Hozuki took his incomprehensible squeals as a 'yes,' and turned towards the rest of the crowd.

"Very well, then. I may be spending the day giving (F/N)-chan a tour, but that does not give the rest of you permission to slack off. Everyone back to work!"

"But Hozuki-kun..." Enma whined. "This only happens once every ten thousand years! Hozuki-kun bringing home a girl..."

Hozuki scowled.

"On second thought, Oko-san, can you handle the tour for me? I have something I need to discuss with our 'great king.'"


(F/N) looked up to see a beautiful woman step forward. Her obi was made up of two snakes, and she had a very gentle smile.

"Of course," she replied, "but please don't be too hard on King Enma...I'm sure he's just happy for you."

"I understand," he said in a way that made it clear that even if he did understand, he was not about to go any easier on the king.

Hozuki stalked away with a giant iron club perched on his shoulder, and Oko turned to (F/N) with an expression that told her this was a perfectly normal occurrence.

"Well, then," she said, "Shall we begin the tour?"


"Will King Enma make it out alive?" (F/N) asked as they walked down the hall. She held Shiro in her arms, and ruffled his fur every now and then when she felt nervous.

"Well, he can't die..." Oko began.

"That's all I need to know."

Oko chuckled. She had a calming presence, and (F/N) found she was growing thankful for the opportunity to talk to her. It would be nice to have a few more friends.

Sacrifice--Hozuki x Reader (Hoozuki no Reitetsu)Where stories live. Discover now