Chapter 6

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"What" Jennie looked at Chungha for some seconds before she started walking, leaving Jennie behind. Jennie blinked, and then ran to reach her! Chungha smiled "Didn't you know that already. I just assumed that you knew, since you walked like a royalty in the hall". Jennie just gave her a clueless face. Chungha chuckled softly at her "You are really cute, i get why people like you". Jennie frowned "Me cute? Thats the funniest thing i have heard in ages" this time they both chuckled. It was quiet for some minutes before Jennie decided to talk about something different.

"So which year are you in?" She looked at Chungha patiently waiting for an answer. "I am in my first year, same as you" Jennie smiled brightly and dropped honorifics" Great that means we are the same age right". But her smile quickly disappeared as she saw Chungha's reaction, she seemed offended. She hurried and said politely "or not?".She looked at Chungha confused and she just sighted and expressed "Well i needed to take my first year again, so i'm a year older than you". Jennie smiled understand giving a little "aaahh". But as she realized what Chungha just had said, she turned to her, but before she could even say anything Chungha said "Don't ask about why please, i don't really want to talk about it, lets just walk to class" Jennie just nodded quietly and started to walk a little faster. Together they headed to the classroom.

"Good morning students" said a lady with short black hair. All of the students sat down at their desks, looking up at the teacher patiently. "I'm first going to call you up to check that everyone is here". The teacher started to call up all the names, including Jeon Somi,Seo young-joo and Chungha. As the teacher called up Jennie's name she stood up from her desk to signalize that she was there. Jennie was just about to sit down as the Teacher called up the last name on the list"Jeon Jungkook". No one in the room moved an inch. She called him up again, but again, no one moved or answered. She was about write down that he was missing, as a boy furthest in the back raised up from his chair, Jennie turned around and watched as the student with the hoodie said "Im here Teacher".THAT guy was the jerk from before . Jennie watched him as he answered and made sure to give him a hateful look."What are you doing, you should have answered me before" the teacher looked annoyingly at him "Sorry i didn't catch it". She sighed and said "And take the hoodie of please, we are not living in a ghost town". Jungkook slowly took of the hoodie, reviling an incredibly handsome face. Jennie just stood there quiet and watched, she was in complete shock. How could such a jerk be so handsome, it just wasn't fair. In her own thoughts she turned around and faced the teacher as she said something. "And why are you still standing Mrs Jennie? I have already called you up, you can sit down". Jennie looked around in the classroom, and saw that all the eyes in the room, including Jungkook's where on her. She moved her eyes from Jungkook's and quickly sat down.

The rest of the class Jennie was unable to focus. It was like she could hear the teacher, but at the same time she couldn't. No matter how it worked, she didn't listen to a word she said. She was in her own thoughts, still shocked over how good looking that Jerk from a while ago was. Even though she appreciated his handsome face, she was also angry at it. Why did such a jerk get born with a handsome face and not some nice guy, like one of her guy friends. None of them where good looking, but they where always nice. In frustration she bit her nails, reflecting on how unfair the world was. Every now and then she would glance behind, to take a look at his face again. One time they even caught eye contact, but after that she got so red in her cheeks that she didn't dare to look back anymore. Out of anger, she decided that she would never like that guy. No matter what happened, she would never let his looks distract her. She was going to annoy him this whole year, and hate him with all of her heart and efforts.
"Aren't you going to answer me mrs Jennie? What is your song choice for the song test next Friday?". "Huh, song test, next friday?" Jennie looked confused at the teacher, the teacher only sighed annoyed. "Yes, next friday, this is the third time i am saying it, and do you know what, you have to prepare two songs instead of one" the panic spread over Jennie's face as she exclaimed "what, why". The teacher answered with a really annoyed tone in her voice "because that extra song is going to be a replacement for the effort you didn't show in this class.". Jennie stuttered, trying to find words that would fit in with a situation like this, but she didn't even get to think about it more than 2 seconds before the teacher said out loud "You guys are dismissed". She then walked out of the classroom, leaving a stressed Jennie behind. The only thought that was crossing her mind was
This chapter is a little late, but i hope that is fine! We are getting closer and closer to 500 reads 😊😊
Also, i didn't use that much time editing this chapter, so there might be some grammar mistakes, but just comment if you find any!

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