Chapter 7

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It had felt rather off being taught normal subjects by some of the pro heroes he had admired for years and it had taken quite a bit more time than he'd like to admit to stop fanboying, even if most of it was internal. While the morning classes were dedicated to the normal studies like maths and language, after lunch was when they were to learn all about being heroes. Izuku knew that this would take some time to get used to.

Currently it was the first period after lunch and they were waiting for someone to come tell them what they were meant to be doing. It was only the second day of the school year, it wasn't like they were supposed to know what to do already.

"I am coming in through the door like a normal person!" A familiar voice exclaimed and Izuku turned his attention to the door of the class where All Might stood in a bizarre position while wearing his silver age costume. While he had previously met All Might and knew the man was going to be teaching here, it was still something else seeing the hero in front if them wearing a retro costume.

"For your afternoon lessons today you will all be taking part in a trial of battle! For this you will be needing you costumes." All Might explained as brief cases emerged from one of the walls, all with a number from 1 to 20 to correspond with their assigned seat numbers. With his number being 18, Izuku found his case near the end of the wall and was able to reach it with ease.

His hero costume consisted of a sleeveless high collared shirt and khakis both being a dark blue with golden trims and white decorum being as they where from the Spirit World. He did however request a utility belt that has multiple pouches, one being for his keys while the rest were for various supplies. This matched a high tech visor that the support department apparently made from scratch. It had facial recognition,  GPS tracking and several other features he had listed. Thankfully they had been able to make it sturdy but light weight, a compound metal if he recalled correctly.

 Thankfully they had been able to make it sturdy but light weight, a compound metal if he recalled correctly

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After getting dressed he had met up at the trading grounds where almost everyone was waiting. "I like your costume." Ochako surprises him a little by coming up behind him. She was wearing her own costume, one of the designs they had created together. It consisted of a form fitting, but not overly skin tight, costume with light grey and pink colour scheme, matching boots, utility belt and visor. Over all it looked almost space themed and if you looked close enough you could see there was a bit of inspiration from the space hero: Thirteen's costume.

"Yours looks great Ochako!" He comment with a grin.

"Thanks! I'm so glad I asked for it not to be too tight. Mina was telling me that she didn't say anything and her costume is skin tight. I would be hated for that to have happened to me." She continued.

"I'm sure that she can request it to be changed if she doesn't like it." Izuku shrugged and looked over to the pink skinned girl who was excitedly chatting to the other girls. "I have a feeling she doesn't mind too much."

"All right boys and girls, are you ready to get started?" All Might commanded their attention and began to explain the objective of the exercise. "Now, does anyone have any questions?"

"Excuse me sir but is there not a better way of choosing the teams?" Iida asked from his suit of armour.

"Well I can't speak for All Might but when it comes to hero work you don't always get to choose who you're going to work with." Izuku interjected.

"Ah I see. My apologies for interrupting then."

"That's quite alright young Iida. Now then, onto picking the pairs." All Might dove his hand into a box most likely filled with the names of the students. The number one hero then proceeded to pull out names, two at a time and they would be grouped together.

Izuku ended up paired with Ochako which he found very lucky. Though it seemed to be jinxed as they were then paired against Iida and Bakugo. "Alright I have a plan." He whispered to his partner.

"Great. You knew Bakugo before coming here right?" She whispered back.

"Yea. He knows next to nothing about my spirits which is a real advantage here." He could practically feel Ochako's giddiness. "I have a spirit that can transform into others. I can have them transform into me and they'll go through the front with you. Mean while if you could use your quirk on me, I can go from the roof down to the bomb."

"But then your spirit and I will have to fight Iida right." Ochako pointed out.

"Well that would be the case if they wanted to be logical but  Bakugo has this weird vendetta against me and is going to come after me and leave the bomb to Iida. He'll probably end up ignoring you so you should be able to meet up with me at the bomb. Of course who ever finds the bomb first should do what they can to take it."

"Sounds good maybe you could use a different spirit to lure Iida away from the bomb since he doesn't understand what your quirk is." She suggested.

"Sounds good to me." He agreed just as it was time for them to enter the building where Iida and Bakugo had set up. "Open gate of the twins, Gemini."

The two floating creature, for lack of a better word, appeared and Ochako looked delighted with how cute they looked. "This is Gemi and Mini." Izuku introduced the pair to his partner. "Do you mind transforming into me?" He then turned to ask the spirits.

"Piri piri." They said before transforming into a second Izuku.

"Thank you. We're doing an exercise in class now and I need you to distract Bakugo for us. Ochako here know the plan and can tell you."

"Okay. Piri piri." The spirit transformed grinned as Izuku and Ochako high-fived letting him soar up into the sky.

He felt gravity return to him once he had made it to the roof of the building. As silently as possible Izuku made his was to the external fire escape and climbed down, entering the building through a window on the fifth floor. The room was silent and it was best kept that way, sneaking through each room till the pretend bomb was visible. Explosions began to  fill the building with noise and vibrations building steadily in frequency and magnitude. Beside the bomb stood Iida, trying to recreate a cliché villain monologue. Across the room he spotted Ochako struggling not to laugh but failing. Iida, who had heard the laughing moved the bomb away from his partner but closer to where he was hidden.

"Star dress: Aries form." He whispered hoping that Iida wouldn't notice him. That seemed to be the case with Ochako now taunting and effectively distracting the makeshift villain. His new outfit consisted of a very light pink tank top with the consistency of fluffy wool with matching shorts and wrist bands. A set if ram horns also appeared on the side of his head. "Wool ball!" He called out, shooting wool from the palms if his hands at a stunned Iida, trapping him in the fluff. Izuku kept pouring more and more wool from his hands allowing Ochako to grab the fake bomb.

"Hero team wins!"

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